March 12th

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Wow I've been gone for a while.

I haven't written in here in a while.

It's been a month since I started dating Hobie hyung.

We haven't fought...

Or had any romantic time together...

We haven't kissed or anything. We watched movies together and that's about it.

We did sleep together but only next to each other at least once a week...

Aigoo... I wish we could be more romantic

It's only the morning now... I have to go to practice our dance.


I wrote too soon!

He sat up a whole romantic dinner(cooked by Jin hyung who seems to be slowly getting over me but still supports my relationship.)

Hobie hyung ate by ourselves which was awkward. It wasn't a first but I didn't know what to do, the other times we ate together alone was when we just had to hurry and eat before practice but this was different.

We sat across next to each other, candles in the middle and talked.

Hobie hyung apologized to me that we were still pretty much acting like friends

And he promised that he would change that and make it seem like more

He kept it so far

Before I headed off to write in this, he took my wrist and pulled me close to him.

And made me kiss him.

I allowed it cuz I was so happy.

Then he told me we should watch a movie so we did, this time cuddling up to each other.

I didn't even see half of the movie because he ended up making out with me. I even showed him another side of me and accidentally moaned >//<

I love him so much...

I love him way too much.


Now he's walking towards me

Why doesn't he have his shirt??

Uh gtg till then diary!~Taehyungieaboutogetlaid~ 👽

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