Chapter 6

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  • Dedicado a To Skye R.I.P



If you're wondering where Skye came from then here you go. Skye is my blue pitbull I HAD in REAL LIFE. The reason I say HAD is because she got hit in the road on February 26, 2011. I was crying hysterically (sorry if I spelled that wrong) So any chapter you read that has her name in it will be dedicated to her. May she Rest In Peace.

Please watch the video on the side and the last two pics in the vid were taken worng but thats my dad so sorry if his eyes look cross eyed.


All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer except MY CREATIONS which you SHOULD know..



Renesmee’s POV


School started back from the weekend and there still was no sign of Jacob. I was starting to worry. When lunch rolled by Jacqulea and her friends sat down. She probably knew where Jacob is.

When I go over there I say "Um Jacqulea," she turns to me "Jacqulea have you seen or heard from Jacob" I bite my lip.

She laughs "Yeah, but I have strict orders saying I’m not allowed to give away his location."

I hold the tears back and when I turn to walk back to my table Jacqulea says something.

"Renesmee I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but when Jacob calms down he’ll come back." With that my feet take me back to my table and that’s when the tears finally come out to satin my face.

We left early. It didn’t matter if we went to school or not. We had forever to that. Esme, Alice, my mom, and Rosalie are surrounding me trying to comfort me. Dad, Jasper, Emmett, and Carlisle are trying to find Jacob.

"I’m going to kill that Jacqulea. If that’s the only way to get information out other" Rosalie snarled.

Knock! Knock!

Curious as to whom it would be I go answer it.

"Come in Jacqulea" she nervously walked in and just stood there.

"I have some things Jacob wanted me to tell yall."

We wait and she continues. "He said not to look for him. Renesmee he said he loves you and he will be back."

"If he loves me then why isn’t he here" I spat. She looks at me as if I’m the one who started all this.

"First of all, just let him be. Second, he says when he’s calm he’ll come back. Third, is this real?" she asks as she shows us a gold ring on her fourth finger on her left hand. It says ‘Love You, Promise’ on it in some fancy writing. She smiles as she looks at it in awe. "Jake gave it to me."

Her phone rings "Hey. You sure you’re ready. Ok" she closes her phone.

She goes upstairs and shuts the door to his room. Wonder why he gave her that ring? Just then she and Jake come down the stairs holding hands.

"Don’t run over here to hug me". As he says this he walks towards me and instead wraps his arms around me.

"Nessie its ok, I just needed to calm down." He kisses my forehead and sits down.

Qulea walks outside and we hear a car screech then BOOM!!! We hear Jacqulea's ear piercing screams and we all rush outside.


                                                             Author's Message

Sorry for the short chapter but I've been busy with school that I haven't had enough time to write... But don't worry I shall write A LOT MORE!!


I won't promise when I will post another chapter because I probably won't have it by that date so whenever I get it done then I will.. oh and another thing


THIS MADE VAMPIRE #663 AND WEREWOLF #879 ---- when I saw that i literally squealed. *jumps up and down screaming* Its all thanks to my fans and random people who have read this.!!! yay you guys!!!

Renesmee Cullen-After Breaking Dawn(ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora