I'm not THAT stupid!

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We rode our horses through the forest, the sun shining down onto the knights, Arthur and I as we searched for the sorceress who had been wreaking havoc in the nearby villages. I glanced over at Arthur, who was riding beside me. He's so gorgeous. The way his mass of golden hair blows messily in the slight breeze, his sparkling blue eyes shimmer as he takes in his surroundings, his muscles flex as he-

"Merlin? What are you staring at??"


"Just trying to figure out what makes you such a prat, sire." I smiled at him and he glared back at me, although I could sense that he wasn't actually angry. He opened his mouth to defend himself against my words when suddenly I felt a strong force push me backwards, knocking me off my horse. I looked around to find Arthur on the ground next to me, his eyes squeezed shut. Assuming he was unconscious, I scrambled onto my feet and looked around to find the knights on the ground, also unconscious, and a young, light brown-haired woman standing in front of me, her long, blue dress slightly muddy and ripped. She smirked at me, raised her hand and began to chant a spell. I burst into laughter. She stopped reciting the spell and glared at me, confusion evident in her face.

"What's so funny?" She sneered, "do you not realize I'm about to kill you? Stupid boy." She said with a giggle, raising her hand up for the second time.

"I believe it is you who is stupid," I said as my eyes flashed gold, throwing her against a tree. Her eyes reached mine and she stared at me in shock and fear, not daring to move. I raised my hand toward her and muttered a powerful spell strong enough to kill her, one I had learned from the book Gaius had given me years ago. I smiled to myself and turned around to find Arthur staring at me, very much so conscious.

"A-Arthur, it-it's not what it looks like!! She...I..." I couldn't think of anything to say. My heart hammered so quickly, I was sure it would pop out of my chest.

"I'll speak with you later. For now, help me wake the nights. We're heading back to Camelot." Arthur said, his face showing no signs of emotion.

"Arthur, I-"

"I said, we'll talk later!" He commanded, not meeting my eyes.

"Yes, sire." I walked around to all the knights and got them back on their feet. We rode back to Camelot in silence, no one daring to question Arthur about his sudden change of mood.


I paced around Gaius' chambers, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. Gaius wasn't there, but I was too scared to search for him in case I ran into Arthur. What's going to happen to me? Arthur will surely execute me in some way. I could run away...I could live in Ealdor with my mother. No. Who am I kidding?? I could never leave Arthur, even if he wants to execute me. Why does that stupid clotpole have to be so goddamn important to me?! I mean to Camelot. Whatever. Either way, he's important. I can't leave him. But if he executes me...who will be there to protect him?! While I paced around the room, muttering about my current predicament, I failed to notice that Arthur had been standing by the door, watching me rant to myself, until he burst into laughter.

"You know, Merlin, I've never seen you so worked up over something, but I gotta say, you're kinda cute when you're angry." Did he just-? "Anyways, about this whole sorcerer business..."

"Please Arthur, just listen to me, I only use my magic to protect you, I never intended to do anyone harm unless they were a threat to you and I-"

"Merlin, calm down!! Do you honestly think I'm that stupid?? I figured out you had magic years ago. I'm just disappointed you never told me. Do you not trust me?" He questioned, a small amount of hurt slipping into his voice.

"I...of course I trust you! I just...well I...I didn't want to put you in the position of having to execute me so I-"

"Merlin," he says softly, walking towards me, "I would never execute you. I've seen what you use your magic for. I know you use it wisely. I trust you with my life, I don't care if you have magic. In fact...I was wondering if you could show me." I stared at him, utterly speechless. Am...am I dreaming? Is this some sort of joke??? I stared at him for a minute longer until he grew impatient and commanded me to stop staring at him. Slowly, I lifted up my hands and whispered a spell into them. My eyes flashed gold as two butterflies, one red and one blue, flew out from my hands and fluttered around Arthur. He looked up at them, his eyes shining and a huge smile spread across his face. He looked down at me, and before I could comprehend what was about to happen, I was shoved against the wall, his lips pressed against mine. As shocked as I was, I kissed back immediately. He deepened the kiss, his tongue finding its way to mine. We stopped briefly to catch our breaths, smiling at each other. He grabbed my hand and we ran through the castle to his chambers. As soon as I closed the door, he reached for my shirt and ripped it off. I did the same with his, and we were back to our previous activity of kissing. After we had somehow managed to remove the rest of our clothing, he flopped onto his bed and pulled me on top of him, waiting for me to make the first move. I kissed his neck and started to move downwards with only one thought in my mind: I had wanted Arthur for so long, and now, he was finally mine.



I entered my chambers, expecting to find Merlin, but all I found was an empty room. He must have already gone to bed...I was out in the lower town quite late helping with the outbreak. I opened the door to his room, but, to my surprise, he wasn't there either. I started to worry. What if he never came back from the trip to track down that sorceress?? Maybe Arthur will know where Merlin is. I left my chambers in a hurry, making my way towards the king's chambers. I knocked on his door softly.

"Arthur?" I called quietly, not wanting to wake anyone in the nearby chambers. When he didn't answer, I opened the door expecting to see him missing as well, but instead I saw something much different. In Arthur's bed, I saw him and Merlin cuddled up together, smiles on both of their sleeping faces. Trying not to trip on any of the clothes they had left strewn about on the floor, I quietly walked over and closed the curtain they had left open. I looked at them with a smile, muttering, "my OTP is finally canon." I turned around and walked slowly and out of the room, closing the door quietly as to not wake the sleeping boys.


Hey, I hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you think by commenting ;) I'm really sorry about that last bit with Gaius, but I couldn't resist😂 thanks for reading!

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