Chapter 1

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You walked up to the group of people who you assumed to be the quinx squad, slightly wobbling on your legs. As you approached them, a short woman with poofy pigtails ran over to you.

"Ah!~ You must be [L/N] [F/N]! I'm Yonebayashi Saiko, just call me Saiko! Do you like candy? I have lots, I also have a ton of manga and video games, if you're interested. Ooh~! You can play games with me, we can also binge eat food and watch anime-" before the eager young woman -Saiko, as she's called- could continue rambling on, an attractive tall man with violet hair and two prominent moles under his left eye slightly tugged at her coat, pulling her back.

"Saiko, as squad leader it's my duty to show the new recruit the ropes."


"Nice to meet you, [F/N], we're pleased to have you joining us (You better not be a damn burden). I'm the squad leader, Urie Kuki." Urie gave you a slight gentle smile as he held out his hand to show you inside. You grabbed his hand, following everyone into the chateaux.

As you grabbed his hand, you could feel butterflies in your stomach.

Nah, I can't like him already, although he is attractive... Must be something I ate earlier...

The other squad members had introduced themselves to you, their names were Aura, Hsiao, and Higemaru. Aura and Hsiao seemed pretty nice to you, and, well, Higemaru came off as a... Suck up.

Urie had showed you around the chateaux and your room, along with the rules.

After you had finished unpacking an hour after arriving. As you were about to relax for a few minutes then go to a local store and buy some snacks, there was a knock on your door, then someone suddenly burst in.

"[Y/N]~! Are ya done yet? Can you pleeaaase play a game with me, I'm really bored. OOH! Ooorrr we can go to the store and get fooood! Or both! C'mon it'll be fun!" Saiko's words were scrambling all over the place. You have to admit; you had taken a liking to Saiko- after all, you did enjoy the things she did and her carefree, happy-go-lucky attitude was appealing. Before you could happily agree, Urie was walking by when he stopped next to Saiko.

"Tch. Yonebayashi, don't bother the poor girl. It's her first day. (Can't shut up for one minute, can you?)" Urie stopped and looked at you. "I hope she isn't too much of a nuisance to you, [Y/N]. I'd want your stay to be as comfortable as possible ( I don't really care- I just hope you'll give the superiors a good word about me if they ask...)"

The thought of someone caring about your stay made you happy- especially coming from Urie. You didn't know what it was- there was just something about him.

"O-oh! S-She isn't a nuisance at all! I enjoy her company, actually. And I needed to go do some shopping anyways!" You managed to form a proper reply, although you did stutter a tad at first.

"Hm." Urie just grunted in response before replying verbally, "Alright. Just be back soon... We need to welcome (another pest) another new quinx. They won't be in the squad, but we were asked to greet them and do training with them (Great- more idiots to train with). Hey, [L/N], you should know them, they graduated from the same class as you."

"Huh? Reallyyyy~? What's their name?" You should have been the one to ask, but Saiko beat you to it.

"Ogawa Kiyomi."

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