18: Welcome Back!

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I was ready for this. To be back to NCIS, being a field agent, being surrounded by all of my friends and family, and I was actually excited to see my dad again. We've been playing phone tag ever since I left. He doesn't really understand the time difference from here and then. There it was, the familiar elevator sound. I started walking out of the elevator, hesitating, to the squad room. Once everyone saw who it was they all got right back to work.

"Come on guys! I survived a month with an assassin in Israel! And I get nothin'." I expressed.

I gave up on them. I waked to my desk and sat down in my chair. It was as comfortable as I left it.

"Grab your gear." Gibbs said walking through the squad room with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Boss, I don't have any of my gear." I told him.

He took a couple steps back.

"Welcome back Tony. I have all of your gear. You need to pass a couple of exams before you're back for good. But I don't know why you can't come with us. Bishop is driving." Gibbs informed me.

McGee walked passed me with his gear. Walking like a true McGeek.

"Hey McProbie! I can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth. I actually missed you.

"Excuse you Tony. I am not probie anymore. I took your place as senor field agent while you were gone. So look who's probie now." McGee announced.

"Boss?" I asked.

"Things will be changing for you and DiNozzo, McGee." He yelled from the elevator.

"Who's Bishop?" I yelled back at boss.
"I am!" A blonde headed girl waved from the elevator.
She looked shorter than Ziva for sure. She had blonde hair and she was married!
"Are you coming or what?" Gibbs asked.
"Coming boss." I replied walking to the elevator.
I walked into the elevator.
"Hello I'm very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo." I said while shaking Bishop's hand.
"Yeah, I know." She replied awkwardly.
"Gibbs told me a little bit about you." She smiled.
"Really. What else did you tell her boss?" I said with a fake smile while I looked at him.
"Nothing much. That you left with one of our other special agents, Ziva, to go live together in Israel." He informed me.
"Does she know rule number 12?" I asked.

"Of course I know rule number 12. And I'm married!" Bishop interrupted.

"She learned it from you, Tony." McGee chuckled.

"Very funny McGee." I strictly told him.

"Settle down you too." Gibbs barged in.

Finally! The elevator doors opened and we were on our way to a crime scene.

As I walked out behind McGee I whispered in his ear," Does she drive bad? Like Ziva?"

"No Tony, you'll be alright." McGee proclaimed

I immediately jumped back so I wouldn't look like I was whispering in McGee's ear.

"So boss, where are we going?" I asked.

"Stafford Hospital." Gibbs replied.

We were walking to the car. Walking and talking, like we always did.

"A hospital?" Bishop asked.

"How would someone get killed in a hospital? Don't they have security and stuff." Bishop asked.

"Well technically. Sometimes hospital security isn't the best or people just don't pay attention well." McGee answered.

"Who said anything about a murder?" Gibbs said getting into the driver's seat of his car.

McGee got into the passenger seat of Gibbs' car then Bishop got in the driver's seat of the other car. I then got into the passenger's seat of the other car.

Bishop Immediately starting talking and making a conversation.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Bishop brought up.

"When I hear we got a new team member I thought you were going to be an FBI agent or something like that." I replied.

"Well you seem friendly." Bishop smiled with an awkward laugh.

I laughed a little too. It was different talking to Bishop than it was Ziva.

"I heard that you had some crazy assassin girl before me and that you ran away with her. Is that right?" Bishop questioned.

"Yeah that's right. Her name was Ziva.... Ziva David. She went through hell and was a trained Israeli officer so she had her reasons." I responded.

After my boring conversation with Bishop we were finally at the crime scene. We pulled up to a nice looking hospital. I practically jumped out of the car because I needed to get out of there.

"John Hamcot. He was a marine that was wounded and sent here for treatment. When the nurse, Caitlyn Thompson went to check on him he was gone." Gibbs informed the new, chattier, team.

High HopesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora