21: Crime Scene 1| #2

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"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo" an unfamiliar voice said.

I turned around and looked at the man. I hope he realized I was in the middle of a conversation with Gibbs. He probably didn't even know Gibbs.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked.

"I don't believe so. I'm Detective Joe Parker. I've been studying you lately. I heard you came back to town and I wanted to know if we could talk........privately." He replied.

"I'm kind of in the middle of a crime scene right now. Can't you tell?" I stated the obvious.

"Technically you don't have your badge back and you're not clear to be in the field." Joe reminded me.

I looked at Gibbs. He shook his head yes then nudged for me to go with him.

"Where would you like to talk?" I asked.

He pulled me to the side.

"You know you can't go stalk people right?" I grinded my teeth.

"Look I'm not a detective. Your friend Z gave me this and told me to find Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo." He said.

I thought for a moment. Why would Ziva want to find me? She knew I came back to NCIS. She could've called. What was I thinking. I didn't even know if it was Ziva.

"What's this person's real name?" I questioned this Joe guy.

"She didn't give me a real name. Just the letter Z." Joe answered.

"Is your name really Joe Parker?" I asked again.

"Yes." He replied.

"Here's my card. Call me if you get anything else." I said giving him one of my cards.

"Will do sir." he thanked.

I walked back to Gibbs and the crime scene.

"What was that about?" Gibbs asked.

"It was nothing." I lied.

"So what did you get from the girl at the desk?" Gibbs wondered.

"There was no patient staying there but Caitlyn Thompson was the nurse. That's all." I answered.

"McGee!" Gibbs shouted to him.

"Yes boss?" McGee asked.

"Find Caitlyn Thompson and bring her in for questioning." Gibbs strictly demanded.

"Yes boss." McGee smiled.

"DiNozzo, help Bishop bag and tag then take it to Abby." Gibbs said.

"On it!" I shouted already walking to Bishop.



"GIBBS! GIBBS! GIBBS!" I overheard Abby on Gibbs phone.

"Yeah Abs?" Gibbs asked.

"On the blanket Tony and Bishop gave me Caitlyn's fingerprints were on them," Abby said.

"And?" Gibbs interrupted.

"They weren't just on the blanket. They were on the sheets too. I then checked the security McGee gave me. She entered his room at 2:17 am and never came out. She had to walk through multiple rooms  before exciting. The next time I saw her was at 4:05 am at her desk." Abby informed Gibbs.

"Thanks Abs." Gibbs said and then hung up.

"Abby said that Caitlyn's DNA was on the blanket and sheets of John's bed. She went into his room at 2:17 am and she never came out. The next security video she was on was at 4:05. She had to walk through multiple rooms before they exciting a room." Gibbs informed me.

"I already sent out a bolo and no one has seen her yet." McGee said.

"Well then go find her McGee" Gibbs replied.

"I'll go down to the lab and see if Abby and I can find her." McGee said.

"I'll take Bishop and we'll follow any other leads." I told Gibbs.

"Yep." Bishop said.

"What are you still doing here then?" Gibbs asked.

"Leaving now boss." I said while going to the elevator.

Bishop followed me. 

We went back to the hospital to ask around about Caitlyn. People actually had bright good things to say about her.


I'm sorry but this is boring. I don't want to write this. SO we're going 5 weeks forward. 

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