Chapter 2(Edited)

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My head felt as if it were being smashed against a wall repeatedly.

"How you feeling ?  like the little shit you are "he laughed which roared in my head.
I hissed as he creased my cheek and chuckled

"So feisty ! It's like you're beging for me "I hissed

"You come any closer I'll rip your head off" A growl left my throat

I moved so i could  stand and charge but was pulled down by short shackles on my ankles and longer chains on my wrists. He laughed

"Can't move now can yea?" he taunted . I hissed

"Seth leave the girl alone before we loss another set of chains " 'seth' as his name so was .
I smirked as he  backed away and left but another took his place

"It's a pity you have to be so restrained but its a safety thing " he laughed

I let my head fall and hang I sighed

"Now that we are in an understanding you ready "I looked through my hair and started laughing

"Whom shall it be this time " I smirked showing my shark like teeth.

He chuckled and walked closer and unlocking my ankle chains and looked me in the eyes

"You know the drill.  get to the mark and find who you're supposed to, not just someone to quench your thirst for blood " I smirked 'no promises' i muttered I changed laughing.
as I walked out of the building I instantly fell into a vision of black I felt the sting of a needle being released from my newly pierced neck I growled a low warning as I was handled

"Calm it's just me " lake had whispered into my ear.

Lake was my friend , I trusted him, he hadn't touched me in anyway to harm me he was the medic of their 'gang' he treated me while I was being beat and slashed I trusted him and he knew I would kill him if he betrayed me .

I blinked as I regained my vision  I looked around and was sitting in an ally, my stomach growled as I smelt it , the sweet sent of her blood, I looked around a bit then the red settled I saw her close, Ismirked, I grabbed my knife and placed cuts around my body to seem as if I was just attacked , I hid the knife and began calling for help once her scent was where I wanted it to be .

"He-hel-lp m-me " I spoke and repeated

"A-are you ok?" I looked at her with my hand up she walked closer and I moved my hand she gasped.

~nightmare here sorry it's not that good of a chapter of story for that matter and I'll probably make this a shitty story but I'm trying so yea hope you enjoy ~

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