Chapter 3(Edited)

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She gasped

"Yo-your eye it-it's g-gone IT-it's St-stone" I couldn't help but laugh she stared into my eyes and I knew she couldn't move her blood was boiling hot with fear.
I stood up and walked to her laughing in her ear, flashing my teeth, a tear slipped rolling down her cheek I moved my knife catching the tear while tracing her eye she whimpered as blood stained her cheek I laughed licking the knife

"Sweeeet" I growled into her ear, tears welled in her eyes leaking and stunging her cut as she whimpered.
Showing  her the knife in a stabbing motion she choked back a scream as I stabbed her stomach, she spat up blood and started moving, she was about to run off when I stabbed her shoulder causing her scream to sound like a hiss as she fell.
I crawled on top of her and sat on her stomach I pulled two stones out of my arm ,cutting her eyes out shallowly ,I shoved the stones into her sockets and laughed as she gurgled with  blood in her lungs.

"I'll keep your dreams safe" I said as i pushed the stones in deeper and deeper as  she screamed.
I slit her throat,  pushing  harder into her sockets and listened as she gurgled when she screamed.

I grinned and drank the blood as it sprang from her gash into my mouth .

Once my thirst was quenched I looked up and saw those eyes across the road staring at me, taunting me ,luring me ,smiling at me ,willing me to continue , I shuttered but with excitement the idea thrilled and sent electricity through my bones .
I ran off into the woods,
There I was pinned with the needle causing black to blur my vision

"About time " I hissed under the sound of 'seths' voice

"You must really want me. You make such sounds that just make me  purr "he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my hands.
Bending I bit a piece of his chin off spitting it into his eye

"stay away from me or next time you won't even see it before you taste your own blood "I growled.
all I felt was a burning on my face, soon my vision  regained but all I saw was red ,growling I jumped onto him  bittin  a chunk out of his throat.

The sweet taste of blood filled my mouth again and again, from person to person until it was just  me and the remains of the lifeless corpses.

I grinned as I licked my fingers like I had just been eaten cheddar chips ,I looked around I was alone.
I ran farther into the woods feeling free finally.
I ran right through a river clearing the blood from the cloths that suited me.

Dripping with water I walked to a cabin .
all I felt was dizzy and soon blackness covered my eyes as silence drowned my ears ,I was in the complete and udder abyss .

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