Chapter 11 News

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Major Time Skip

Kelley's POV
Hope was already called up to the national team which was amazing. Our relationship only got stronger through the years.

Alex and I were back in Georgia done with college. We both were hanging out at my house like we usually do.

"You should tell Hope to bring the whole team down here." Alex says to me.
"I wish but we'll be there soon."
"Hopefully. I wanna be there for the olympics."
"Ugh me to."

Alex has dinner at our house like always. After dinner we went back to my room. Then Alex got a text from her mom.

"Who was that?" I ask.
"My mom. She said I have an important phone call."
"Okay then let's go."

We both leave my house and go to Alex's house. Once we get to her house Alex's mom hands her the phone.
"Who is it?" Alex asked.
"you can find out on your own. It's a very VERY special call." Mrs. Morgan says with a huge smile on her face which even made me smile.
"Okay mom." Alex says as she puts the phone to her ear.

Alex's POV
"Is this Alex Morgan?"
"Yes it is."
"Great. I think you might know me. I'm Jill Ellis, head coach for the US Women's National Team."

It was so hard for me not to scream. I luckily was able to keep it in and not embarrass myself on the phone with Jill Ellis.

"Well um it's an absolute pleasure to be talking to you." I say nervously.
"We would love you up here on the national team for training before the olympics. I've read and heard many great things about you and we expect nothing but the best for you up here."
"Thank you! When would you like me up there?"
"Anytime next week." Jill says.
"Okay sounds good."
"Great can't wait to see you in New York and meet you in person."
"Thank you so much."
"Your welcome." Jill says as she hangs up the phone.

I stand in front of Kelley frozen at the news I just received.

"So who was it?" Kelley asked. Then an ear to ear smile formed on my face.
"It was Jill Ellis..."
"Wait wait wait. Jill Ellis, as in the head coach for the US women's national team?"
"What she say?" Kelley asked.
"She wants me to train with the team before the olypmics!!" I say excitedly.
"HOLY SHIT ALEX IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" Kelley says as she jumps into my arms.

"When do you leave?"
"Anytime next week."
"That's incredible Alex. I'm so proud of you. It's defiantly a dream come true." Kelley say.
"Kind of ."
"What do you mean?"
"I've dreamed about this for a long and time and you were there every step of the way. You're suppose to go with me Kel."
"Alex it's okay. I'll be there soon. I'm not letting you wait for me. I'm not going to be the reason you're not going. This is a huge opportunity Alex and you're gonna take it."
"Okay." I said.

Day's went by and I've spent every single day with Kelley. Tomorrow I'd be leaving for New York to train with the national team and I was so excited.

Kelley was at my house and she helped me pack my stuff for when I leave.

"Hey don't forget your pre wrap. Kelley says as she tosses me my pink pre wrap.
"Thanks." I say as I smile at Kelley.

After dinner that night we went to my room and got ready for bed early because I would have to wake up early tomorrow.

"Are you excited Alex?"
"Heck yes."
"Good because you should be. I'm even excited for you!" I smile at her because she's always cute when she gets excited about something.
"Goodnight Kelley. I love you."
"I love you to. Goodnight Alex." With that we both went to bed and all I could think about was tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I smiled knowing today was the day. Kelley and I got ready and as soon as we're ready we started to pack my stuff into my dads car. Pretty soon we were on the road to the airport.

Once we got to the airport we went through security and stuff then we sat down and waited for my flight to be called.

"Ugh I hate this. It's like saying goodbye when we went to college. I hate saying bye to you." Kelley says.
"It's a goodbye for a little while. I know that you'll be on the team very soon."
Okay." Kelley says.

Pretty soon my flight was called. I hugged my parents as they kept on saying how proud they are and stuff. Then I gave Kelley a hug.

"Well this is it. Have fun up there." Kelley says.
"I will. You take care of yourself until you're up there with me."
"I love how confident you are in me getting called up." Kelley says.
"I just know it. Come on give me another hug before I go." I said as Kelley wraps her arms around my neck.
"Love you Kelley."
"Love you Alex. Remember what I always say. Don't do anything stupid when you're there."
"No promises." I say as I begin to pick up my bags.
"And tell Hope I said hi and that I miss her." Kelley says.
"I will."

I wave to my parents and Kelley one last time then I get on my plane, find my seat and relax. I was so excited to be going to New York and training with the national team.

A couple hours later the plane landed in New York. I got off my plane and took out my phone and texted Kelley that I was here. After that I stood there kind of unsure of what to do. I kept on walking until I saw Hope holding up a piece of paper with my name on it.
I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Hey Hope!"
"Hi Alex!" Hope says. Hope helps carry some of my bags then we left the airport and went into her car.

"So how was your flight?"
"Boring but fine I guess. And by the way Kelley said hi and that she misses you."
"I miss her to." Hope says."how's she doing?"
"She's been doing great."
"That's good to here. And by the way welcome to New York. We are going to the hotel where we are staying for this training camp."

After about a 40 minute drive we arrive at the hotel. I grab my bags and walk into the hotel where I was greeted my Jill Ellis.

"Alex Morgan, welcome." Jill says.
"Hi coach Ellis. I say as I shake her hand.
"Well I hope you had a fine flight here."
"Yes I did, thank you."

"Hope can you show Alex to her room please?"
"Yea of course." Hope says. We both enter an elevator then go up to the third floor where my room was.

"Here we are. Your roommate should be there. Please call me if you need anything." Hope says.
"Thank you Hope."
"Anytime." Hope says with a smile as she walks away.

Before I knocked on the door I texted Kelley that I saw Hope.

Finally I knocked on the door and a girl a little shorter then me opened the door.

"Newbie?" The girl says.
"Yea I guess so."
"Great come on in. I'm Tobin Heath."

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