Chapter 2: Hot Damn...

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 Okay! Here's Chapter 2! Warning: This chapter is really freaking long but, I didn't want to divide it because it wouldn't work and, yeah. 


So let me know what you think!

-mendestrology <3


Mae and I are sitting in the middle of the food court, munching away on our sandwiches from subway as we talk about what we're looking for today.

"So, which premire is this one?" She spoke, grabbing her vitamin water. This girl and her vitamin water.

"Not a premire. Dinner." I said and her face lit up.

"Like with a BOY?" She said a little too loud, earning looks from tables near us.

"Shh! And no, it's dinner with the Mendes." I said and she sat back in her seat.

"Oh, just dinner with the mende- WAIT. THE MENDES'?" She said again and I threw my napkin at her.

"Shut the hell up! And yes why is that such a big deal. We have dinner with them all the time." I said.

"Because Shawn will be there!" I gave her a puzzled look.

"How do you know that?" I questioned.

"Because he tweeted that he's coming home today." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"You follow him on twitter?"

"Not just follow, I get notifications whenever he tweets." She smiled proudly. I restrained a laugh.

"Oh my god why. You use to hate him." I said, pointing out the fact that they've had an arguement going since the 5th grade.

"Um, have you seen him?? Like at all?" She said, frantically scrolling through her phone to find a picture."

"Yes, he practically lived with us, dumbass." I said sarcastically.

"No, I'm talking about in the past six months." She said and I shook my head no. She handed me her phone and on it was a picture of Shawn, shirtless. My face heated up briefly.

"Wait, when did this," I said, motioning towards Mae's phone, "Happen."

"He's been working out." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Damn." I said and she smiled at me.

"So we need to find you the sluttiest dress here." She said as she started to look around the stores in the mall.

"Um, no, that's not who I am." I said as I crumpled up my wrapper.

"Yes, that's the point. You look completely different from the last time Shawn saw you, so we need you to pop! We're going to buy a push up bra, some thongs-"

"I don't think he'll be seeing my undergarments." I said, slightly blushing at the thought of that.

"Not with that attitude you're not." She stood up and marched off towards Victoria secret. Jesus help me.


"How's this?" She said, holdin up a black lace bra with a gem in the middle. It had matching black lace panties.

"What do you think?" I said, trying to send the message that I don't want them but instead she placed them on her arm as she continued walking. We've been in here for almost an hour and I already have four matching bra's and underwear, Bombshell perfume, and a black sweatshit that says Pink on it. I picked that one out.

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