Chapter 23: Life Sucks

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Sorry guys! I thought this published but it didn't!  WHAT! 

No worries, this chapter is actually really short because the next one is so long haha. 


<3 Mendestrology

~Adeline's POV~

*New Years Eve*

So Christmas was actually pretty boring. Just a few presents here and there. Shawn didn't eve get me anything, which I was highly upset and hurt but I got over it because, it's Shawn. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything.

So tonight's the big night. It's a big night for many reasons: First, the year changes and everyone has their 'new year, new me' moments for about a week. Second, this is the night of our big annual family new years party where both mom and dad invite their clients, making it basically the biggest celebrity party of the year. I think Justin Bieber might even come tonight. If he does, Mae will flip shit.

Anyways, the most important reason of why tonight is the 'big night' is because it's the last night that Shawn is here, and I'm afraid of him leaving. Even though he's been so distant with me lately, I still love the fact that he's only five minutes down the street, instead of a different country.

Life sucks.

"Come on bitch. We need to make you look spicy." Mae said, throwing my body down on the usual chair where she does all of my makeovers. She began by furiously throwing all of her makeup on my desk, causing a mess.

"Chill, Mae." She snapped her head towards me.

"Are you kidding?" She said and I could see her veins pulsing. Oh shit.

"This is the biggest party of the year. We're basically the only two single, might I add attractive, girls in the whole place. AND Justin Bieber might be there! How the fuck can I stay calm?!" She said in one long breath. Shit this woman is a damn mess. But, instead of saying that, I decided to actually say something that'd make her extremely happy.

"I'm your easel." Her eyes lit up.

"Wait, so you're actually gonna let me do what I want? Not what you want?" She said and I nodded. Her smile grew even more.

"Fuck yes." She said, tying up her hair as she started organizing her makeup.

"3:35pm....approximately four hours and twenty-five minutes before guests start arriving. Let's get to work.

- - -

Four hours later, Mae and I are both standing in front of the mirror, gazing at each others reflection. Shit...we looked hot.

Mae was wearing a white dress that clung to every curve on her body. On it were some diamond embellishments that glistened in any light she walked in. Her hair was half up in a bun and the rest curled to her back. Her makeup was heavy- but not too heavy. The outfit was paired with a pair of white heels.

For me, I was wearing a dress similar to Mae, but in black instead of white. And holy shit did this accentuate all of my curves. It made my ass look twice as big and I couldn't be more excited about it. My hair was straightened and the fresh cut shaped my face perfectly. The outfit was paired with the same heels as Mae but in black.

Although I was hesitant at first letting Mae experiment with my face, I sure as hell glad she did. She did a simple light brown ombre eye shadow with some simple eyeliner. It was enough to make a statement, but not too much for it to be blinding.

"You're ready to get some ass." Mae said, slapping my behind before grabbing a small glass bottle from my desk, spraying it all over herself. I chocked on the perfume as she gave me a glare.

"Come on. We've got a party to rock. " She said, grabbing her phone from the dock where she was playing music.

Suddenly I became nervous. Yeah, mom and dad have parties like this all the time but, that's not what I'm worried about.

I'm worried about Shawn. Why?

I'm going to confess my feelings.

Stupid idea? Probably. But I can't keep living like this without at least saying something. And who cares, he's leaving tomorrow anyways.

"You ready?" Mae said, grasping onto both of my shoulders, staring into my soul.

 "No. But fuck it." I said, brushing past her and out my bedroom door. Let's fuck shit up.

Hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter gets juicy!!

<3 Mendestrology 

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