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Andy's POV

I woke up to my phone going off at 5:30 in the morning. What an awesome way to start the day. I sat up and turned on the light, just sitting there for a few seconds, trying to wake myself up a bit. I woke CC up, and we made sure anything we didn't use was thrown away, and I made sure I put Jazzy's meds back in her bag, along with the clothes she changed out of last night. Once we were finished, I woke her up and got her changed. I put her in some black jeans and a white shirt with a Mickey Mouse silhouette on it, then gave her glasses to her. She laid back on the bed when I got her dressed, and I laughed at her.

"Someone's tired." CC laughed as he saw her. "Taxi's outside." He told me. He decided to call for one, since it would be hard to find one out here this early.

"Yea, really. Would you mind getting her bag? I'm just gunna carry her out." I told him. He nodded and grabbed her bag from the floor, and I picked her up putting her head on my shoulder. 

"It's cold.." I heard her mumble, so I grabbed my jacket from the chair and put it over her. I walked out behind CC, making sure once more we didn't forget anything, then turned off the lights and shut the door. We all got into the taxi waiting in front of the motel, and we rode to the airport. Once we got there, we got our tickets and only had to wait about 15 minutes before getting on. By now, Jazmine is awake and well, sort of, aware of what's going on.

"Whoa, what are those big things?" She asked me, looking out the window behind us.

"Those are airplanes. They go waaayyyy up in the sky. We have to get on one to go home." I told her, to which she nodded.

"Well what if we fall?" She asked me.

"We won't fall baby, I promise. Even if we did, I would make sure you're safe first." I explained to her. She only responded with a smile, and continued watching the planes out the window.

"Hey, we board in like 5 minutes, we should probably head that way." CC told me, and I nodded.

"Okay sweetie, we gotta go get on the plane, so come on." I said, and she reached up for me to carry her. I smiled and picked her up before we walked to the plane gate. We got through and sat on the plane, with CC by the window, Jazmine in the middle, and me on the other side of her.

"Hey Jazzy, look." CC said, looking out the window. "When we get really high, you can look out and see the clouds." He told her.

"Cool!" She squealed and leaned over to see out the window. She then leaned back against her seat again and yawned. I laughed a little.

"You still tired hun?" I asked her. She nodded. "You can try to fall asleep if you want, here." I handed her my jacket again and she snuggled up in it. I noticed CC smiling at me again, just like he did last night. I rolled my eyes and smirked at him, looking back at her. "We'll be home in no time sweetie." I told her. She nodded again and I watched as she slowly drifted to sleep.

~//time skip to when they're home because I'm lazy and don't wanna type out all that\\~

I carried Jazzy in the house with CC following behind with her bag. "You can just crash here if you're too tired to drive." I told him.

"Yea, I probably will if everybody else is gunna be here later anyway." He said and walked into the kitchen. He came out a few seconds later with a water bottle. "Hey I'm using your shower." He told me, and put his water bottle on the table in the living room.

"Okay, but use the one down here. I'm gunna take her upstairs so she can sleep. Don't break anything." I told him and went up to my room. I laid Jazmine on the bed and went over to my dresser, getting out pajama pants and a grey tank top. I changed into them and got Jazmine under the covers, taking off her glasses in the process, then went to the other side of the bed and did the same myself. I sighed and looked over to her. I smiled to myself and pulled her close to me. We've both got a big day ahead of ourselves..

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