Help me See the Error of My Ways

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A/N: Aaaand it's Saturday morning again! Well… here in Sweden it is… I'm wring on so many things right now that I'm slightly stressed… I haven't even finished chapter 8 of this story yet, but no worries, it will be done in time! Not sure how much longer this story will be, it's just a little office romance, after all, nothing with any amazing events happening (though I guess I can through in a few dragons, an assassin and a comet heading towards earth? No? BUT I WOULD HAVE MADE IT MAKE SENSE! Ah well… )

Now See Here!

Chapter 6: Help me See the Error of My Ways

His doorbell rang not even ten minutes after he had gotten home. Mark ignored it at first, but the sound was insistent, and then there was loud knocking too.

"Mark! Mark, open up! Just… just let me know that you're HOME!" he heard Jake call. "Fuck, I don't even have your phone number!" The man sounded very worried, and the blond huffed as he shuffled over and opened the door, leaving the safety-chain on.

"I'm going to bed," he told the man outside.

"Thank god you're here! Why the hell did you leave?! You had me worried sick!"

"Yeah, well, I'm a big boy, Jake. Would you have been so worried if it had been someone else? Someone who could see?" Mark sounded as irritated and tired as he felt.

"I… no, of course not! There's traffic, and… and… muggers and…"

"And I can handle it! At least I wouldn't be worse off than you," Mark snorted. "Good night," he added, pushing the door closed.

As he heard the other man's footsteps stomping away, Mark sank down by the door and started sobbing. When Felix came around to see what was up he was cuddled tight against the young man's chest until the cat decided it had had enough and wriggled out of his grasp.

"Fuck… fuck… fuck…" Mark groaned. What the hell had he done? But why did Jake have to be so damn overprotective? If it was one thing Mark didn't want in life it was special treatment… he didn't want people to go 'oh, let's take care of the poor blind boy'… he wasn't a 'poor blind boy' damn it! He was a successful twenty three year old man with an amazing family, great friends, an inspiring job… being blind was not even on the list! It was like his dad having a bad back or Lance not being able to curl his right big toe after an accident… he was doing great! It wasn't like he needed to be reminded either!

He was angry… but a big part of it was him being ashamed about how he had acted as well. Had Jake really deserved that? Mark went to bed that night feeling like a wreck. He woke up gasping several times, drenched in sweat, after dreaming of drowning in a sea of people.

He didn't know how he made it to work the next day, but he did. The first person he ran into, almost literally, was Angie.

"I've been told you are to be moved today," she said. "We're already packing your things."

"W-what?" Mark stuttered.

"Your team is working for David Langley now. I was told he's more used to handle larger accounts… congratulations." Her voice was dry and cold, and she wasn't finished. Just as Mark had processed that Jake had come through for him after all, the woman added in a very low voice. "I hope you're not too sore today."

"Why," Mark said calmly, "don't you go sit on Peter's face for a while? It seems you both need it." The blond smirked as the woman made a strangled noise and stalked away. After that it was just the matter of finding out where the hell he was supposed to sit now…

It turned out he had been given an actual room, though he had to share with a colleague of his. He didn't mind, he liked Sue Lee. She was quiet, hardworking, and, as far as Mark knew, neat. At least, she always had her papers in order in meetings…

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