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Screams and shouts deafened Maiko and Konan's ears. Ninja had invaded the village and they were on a spree - for killing or for something else, the children did not know.

Konan held onto Maiko's hand tightly, quick on her feet. Maiko panted, not used to the activity.

"K-Konan, what's happening?! Why is everyone screaming?!" Maiko cried.

Konan glanced behind her briefly but pushed onwards, "Maiko, the village is under attack by ninja! We must make our way out or we'll be killed too!"

Panic danced in Maiko's veins as she started to cry, scared for her life, "I-I don't want to die...!"

"Then let's get out of here! Follow me!" Konan took several corners and turns and arrived at a clearing that was drenched and muddy from the rain.

"Let's go through here." Konan looked around and went forward. Maiko followed after her relentlessly. The clouds were still crying so visibility was limited.

Maiko gasped when she felt her hand slipping from Konan's, as well as her knee giving out from under her. The blue haired child skidded to an abrupt stop and she tried to grab onto Maiko. But it was all too late, as the smaller female had slipped down an irregular edge and down into the trees below.

Konan froze, mouth open in complete shock. She could so clearly recall Maiko's expression when she fell, calling out her name that reached deaf ears.

"Maiko...? Maiko! MAIKO!" Konan screamed at the forest. Her voice didn't echo, nor did she receive an answer. She wanted to go down but the ledge was too steep and it would be impossible to survive if she fell.

Hiding her tears with the rain that went down her cheeks, Konan shakily marched forward.

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