The Life Of A Teen; Chapter 4

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i know that its really short. had a long day. comment? vote?

Chapter 4

It was Sunday morning and I was up and ready at the unbelievably early hour of six-forty-five in the morning. You may be wandering why I am up so early, and if you are, then that was not be totally uncalled for. Today was the first Sunday of November and Vicky and I would be off to the fair in just a few short minutes.

It had been two weeks since my little incident with Ryan, but, surprisingly, things between us had been completely normal - he ignored me and I ignored him. I was beginning to wonder whether he even remembered anything that had gone on that night. Jessica was just as bitchy as ever, and everything seemed to be in perfect harmony.

I got my shoes on, went downstairs, grabbed my purse and went to wait for Vicky outside in the front yard. It was one of those really cold mornings that made you shiver, even with a big coat on, but was also sunny and everything was bathed in the most beautiful golden orange light.

Vicky arrived at my house, only moments later. I got into her car and her dad drove us to the fair. Vicky had sat in the backseat so that we could talk about boys, clothes, shopping - and did I mention boys already?

'So, what ever happened with you and Ryan? Weren't you two pretty smitten a few weeks ago?' this was the question that I had been trying to avoid for the past couple of weeks. Could I really lie to Vicky, my best friend of all time? I didn't think so, so I would just have to give her minor details.

'Nothing, Vicky, nothing happened between Ryan and I.' She lifted up one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows in a questioning was and I knew that she didn't believe me.

'Oh fine! So we were at the party and he was drunk and he "asked me out" and I said no, so can you just drop it please?' I saw her eyes grow wide and her mouth was practically touching the floor.

'Erin!' she moaned at me while hitting me with her bottle of coca cola energy drink that she had bought with her. 'Why didn't you tell me about this? This happened weeks ago,' she said. She looked so exasperated and disappointed with the fact that I hadn't told her.

'And you said no? Well, why, why would you say no to him?' because he didn't really like me. That was exactly what I wanted to say.

'Because we don't like each other that way.' She looked at me in a disappointed way, but at least she couldn't moan at me anymore now, as we pulled up outside the fair gates.

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