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  • Dedicated to Blake Fargo

Catty: Based off of a true story. The title is kinda self explainitory in the prologue. Please enjoy!


"I'm not afraid of dogs anymore!" Connery Script told his sister, Divinity, proudly "I saw my life flashing before me, yesterday and last night and now I am stronger than anyone."

"Stop being superficial, Connery," she snapped, annoyed "You're ten years old. There is no way you could see your life flash before your eyes, just like that."

"It's true," Connery insisted "I was at my friends house and his dog was jumping and barking and I was scared but then... I said stop, dog but, he kept on barking. Then his owner said Come here, dog. And I took a deep breathe. Then, last night, I had a dream."

"Superficial," Divinity stated "That is what you're being."

"What does that even mean?" Connery growled.

"Let me look it up in my dictionary," she offered, opening the pocket dictionary she carried with her everywhere "Superficial: Shallow... Not profound or throrough... Insubstantial or insignificant."

"Now look up fearless," Connery ordered.

"Fearless," Divinity teased "None of which you are."

"Give me ANY challenge," Connery offered "And I'll do it!"

"Don't talk for the rest of the day," Divinity said, not even thinking it over. Connery said nothing.

"Nod if you accept," she suggested. He nodded.

"IF you complete this task, which you won't," Divinity explained "Then I'll stop calling you superficial BUT, if you fail to complete it, the names with just take up antonyms of what YOU thought you were."

Connery stood up and walked away.

He was going to show her who was superficial.


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