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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu 

I encourage you all to read kitabut tawheed. Here is its description:

 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 

 If Tawheed (oneness of Allaah) is perfect, Allaah forgives all the sins of His servant. If there is any shirk in a person's belief, then all the good deeds of a person are destroyed by Allaah ta'ala. 

Thus, it is OBLIGATORY for every Muslim to know what is tawheed and shirk and how to be saved from shirk and perfect our tawheed. Shirk takes a person to hell while tawheed to jannah. 

 This book is 'concise commentary on the book of tawheed' authored by sheikh salih al fawzan.  

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