Intro - Waking Up

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[you awake, lying on your back]

[gray clouds and the full moon loom overhead, lightning strikes, but noiseless]

[sit up, look around]

[a dark and grand mansion, a strong gate that creaks open]

[you stand, enter through, lightly, carefully]

[a gravel path leads to the mansion door, you follow]

*knock knock knock*

[behind the door, approaching footsteps, the peephole glows softly]

[a gentle voice]

Hmm..? What do we have here?

Who might you be, and what are you doing here?

Woke up here, did you? Interesting...'ve been invited

Have you any idea where you are at the moment?

This place, this...mansion, is a very private place for my Master

Ah...where are my manners

Please, come in

[door opens, a gust of wind]

[a tri-horned humanoid with glowing, yellow eyes gestures for you to enter]

Pay no mind to my appearance

I will not harm you

[door slams shut from behind, nothing but darkness and floating yellow orbs]

[another orb appears above, white]

I'll take you to my Master, but please stay close. As you can see, this is a dark place

This light follows only me, and only I know the way around

This place is a labyrinth, meant to keep out strangers. You are...different

If you do not want to be lost forever, do not stray too far. Let us take a walk

Apologies about the darkness; I'm sure Master feels the same

So, no doubt you've some questions

Oh, no, this place isn't powered by electricity

If it were that easy, Master would've surely had this place lit up

Quite a shame, really. It wasn't always so dark

Where we are now is the grand hall, but you cannot even see its beauty

Hanging from the ceiling is a grand glass chandelier, below our feet is a floor made of black marble

To each side are walls painted with colorful murals and mosaics

Yet, we see only darkness


I suppose I should explain where you are, for you to better understand why everything is so

You, currently, are inside someone's head

To be precise, you are inside Master's head, at a specific location; a corner Master often visits

Here I have access to some of his memories, ideas, basically a portion of his thoughts

You also have the power to do so, so to speak. You need only, unwrap

Behind each door, outside each window, beneath everything here is a vivid story that you can experience

Insane? Hardly. You should know that you're not the first to have come here

There were three others who have been here, multiple times, too

They have experienced these stories

But of course they were invited by Master

You, as I've said, you are an interesting one

Master always notifies me when we are expecting guests

Yet he has said nothing about your arrival

Me letting you enter is simply me acting on a whim

[a red door appears from thin air]

Ahh, here we are

Before we continue, I'd like for you to open this door and enter

Perhaps after this you will not think that this is such an insane place


Perhaps it will justify your statement

[door opens]

[a purple void]

Take a step inside

Walk, watch, listen - experience all that lies before this door not be afraid

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