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[you appear ahead of the butler, standing upright]

[you stumble back a step and hold your head]

Welcome back, are you feeling well?

My dearest apologies, I forgot to mention that going through too many of these stories in a short amount of time will result in, well, bad headaches

Worry not, soon the pain will go away. Would you like some water?


Of course, here you are

[butler stretches his hand to you, and a glass full of water appears]

[you take it and drink]

Let me know once you are ready

[butler turns and faces the door]

This leads to my Master's, how should I say, recreational room, I suppose

It's where he goes at times to enjoy things he likes

Or rather, he used to go

The room became covered in dust, the many trinkets inside hidden in the darkness

[butler sighs, looks down slightly]

And now, there is even a story beyond it

[turns to face you]

And after that, just one more door that leads to my Master's room

[you take a deep breath, stand straight]


Ready? Then let us go

[walk a few steps to the door, butler takes hold of the knob]

This is the last of what this mansion has to offer

Before entering, please close your eyes

I fear the bright light upon entering may render you blind

So, if you please

[you nod, close eyes]

[hear the door swing open, butler takes your hand]

[a surge of feelings enter you]

[soft, caring, and unexpected]

I will lead you

[take two steps, feeling a draft, and then the cold]

Remember, keep your eyes closed

[butler puts his hand on your back, gently pushes you forward]

[a loud, sudden gust of wind]


Horror Mansion: Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora