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[your eyes open, colors swirl]

How are you feeling? Your legs may feel weak for a couple of minutes

[vision steadies]

How was it experiencing...

Now, now. No need for such language

It certainly does feel real, but it is only a story; just a thought that resides in Master's mind

Rest assured that it is nothing more

Take some time, then we shall proceed

Oh? It is no trouble at all. I'd be more than delighted to tell you all about it

Where to begin, where to begin...

Quite often, Master speaks to himself

It's as if he himself...rehearses the stories that are stored here

As for me, I was created by Master. He did so at a young age

I'm not sure if he did it on purpose, but I had felt what I was made for

He wanted someone to speak to, somebody he can trust with these stories within him

Who better than someone, or something, he created? Sort of like an imaginary friend

Am I real? As Descartes once said, "think, therefore am"

I have my own thoughts; I've questioned my own existence. So perhaps I am real

But I know that I exist only inside the mind of Master, created out of his thoughts

So even then, I am not sure. For all I know, Master and I could be one being

Just like this mansion and everything inside, it is a part of him. Who is to say I am not?

If a am a person, he is Earth. I am a planet, he is the universe

Ah, please, watch your step here and grab hold of to the rail. We'll be going up some long stairs

I should also add that I too did not always look this way

In the beginning, I was a bright humanoid entity, and Master shared none of his dark thoughts

Since he was not comfortable to open up, my early days consisted only of simple conversation

No mansion, no thoughts, but instead a flat green field

Soon enough, he began to "build" this place. There was a small house here at first

When the house was built, he slowly started to talk to me about his disturbed thoughts

The more that Master shared his thoughts and stored them, the more our appearance changed

Until the house became this grand mansion and until I became this

Though the look hasn't been consistent for both of us, we still serve the same purpose as before

Let us take this left here into the hall

Now we are at the edge of the mansion

You can't see the other end, but there are many windows lined up on the side here

If you look through them, you will notice that each view is different than the previous

Though if you are outside, it is nothing more than a yard with a fountain

These here are dreams that Master remembers

Many last only for a short time, like a preview or clip from a movie

But there are some that last much longer

Don't be shy. You are more than welcome to view them as they come

It's a long hall; I don't recommend looking out every window.

Unless you want to be here for hours

If you find a scene that catches your attention, simply let me know

Excited, are we? Of course you may. I'll give you some time to experience them.

And remember...

[dim light shines]

They are only stories

Horror Mansion: Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now