Battle Scars by Paradise Fears

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A good friend of mine showed me this song when I told him about my depression.

It's been a long time since, and he's always been by my side. Since 1st grade he's been my best friend. We'll call him James.

When I would cry, he would make me smile.

When I felt ready to die, he would show me all the things I had to live for.

When I felt broken he would pick up my pieces and glue me back together.

I'll never forget this one time, it was one of the worst days I've ever experienced,

I was being bullied, again. This time it was by a guy, lets call him Todd.

It was awful. During break I was surrounded, the pointing, the laughing and Todd's mocking voice will never escape my mind. And sadly James, who would always stand up for me (Yes I was quite a wimp), was retaking his Science test. As the taunting continued on tears were just poring down my face like rain, you know the feeling where you just want the ground to swallow you whole? That's exactly how I felt. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going so I ran into a classroom and surprise surprise! James was packing his things getting ready to leave. Immediately after he saw me he knew something was wrong. Without saying word he just held me and let me cry. That moment I knew how lucky I was, to have a friend as great as James. To have someone who knows when something is wrong,to have a friend be able to stand by my side. And from that day on James would always know what was wrong with me.

And I'm never going to lose him.

As a reminder if anyone just want's to rant to me about how shitty their day was, I'll be here.

Puppies and Hugs,

The_Champ <3

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