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In life,

I'm just a puppet.

No free will,

nor the ability to sing.

Dancing through life,

totally off beat.

Heart pinched and stitched,

head hanging in defeat.

I simply sway to the piano,

as it's belting notes bittersweet.

The children, loose their smiling eyes,

as the music man sadly whispers goodbye,

I hold my place,

feeling, just like a punching bag,

broken, beaten, bruised and a disgrace.

Eye's glossy and iridescent

hanging from the musty rafters,

filled with smells unpleasant,

I long to have,

the prettier days,

Of gumdrops and rainbows,

Honeydew and constant praise,

The sun beating down on my shining face.

But now I stand,  swing

heart no longer light as a feather,

But heavy as lead,

Just wanting to close my eyes

and lay down my head.

Forever plastering a smile,

yet praying to be dead.

Poems Of SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now