Chapter 2: The Misunderstanding of an unsolved problem...

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"Oh okay" Emma said as I stopped explaining the whole vision thing. We both chuckled and hung around a little bit. "Hey, punk" a strange, familiar voice said. Joey. "What is it now, Joey?" I said with a bored look. " Don't ever talk to Mason ever again, you hear me?" He said. "Why not? He's my friend too, you know?" I responded with a growl. Why does Joey have to be so rude? Sure, his best friend is Mason, but that doesn't mean Mason has other friends. "I dare you to talk to him again. See what happens." Joey said with a serious face and then walked away.

" Why does he have to be such a jerk?" Emma said with a disgusted face. "He's probably protective over Mason, that's all." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Speaking of which, here comes Mason now. "Hey, Denver! Hey, uhh... Jeanette!" Mason said, almost forgetting Jeanette's name. "Umm... Mason? We need to talk. Now." I said with a half happy, half serious face. "Yeah, sure!" We head over to the front entrance of the high school.

The bell is supposed to ring any minute now, so I have to make it quick. "Okay, don't freak out, alright?" I said with a questioning face."Alright, just tell me." Mason said, rushing me. "Okay. Earlier, Emma told me that she has FixPixel." I said, almost sure he would freak out.

"You idiot! You weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Mason said with anger. I was right. He freaked out. "No! I didn't tell her anything about the FixPixel! Honest!" I said, hoping he will believe me. "Why should I believe you?!" "She told me that she was seeing pixelated things on her way to the bus stop!" I said, just before the bell rang. *RIIIIIIING!* "I can't talk right now, I have to go to Science, see ya later." Mason said waking away from me. "Yeah. See ya." I said, still wondering if he believed me.

Wait a second. Emma! "Aw crap!" I said, remembering Mason pulled me away from our conversation. I ran to Gym class seeing almost everybody in my class on the blocky-like bleachers, waiting for Mrs. Sauria. But, Emma wasn't there. Neither was Mrs. Sauria. This is my time to get to the change room in the gym hallway and get ready before Mrs. Sauria assumes Emma and I are late. I got my Boston Red Sox shorts on, got my nike shoes on, and I got a Tom Brady jersey on(yes, I know that's a weird combination), and ran to the pixelated bleachers just in time.

I see Mrs. Sauria walking, coming out of the gym hallway, and into the gym, except she has a student with her. Poor student. She looks as sick as a dog. Wait a second. It's Emma! "Emma!" I yelled, creating an ongoing echo in the gym. I ran towards Emma and Mrs. Sauria. "What happened, Mrs. S?" I asked. "Emma was just making her way to the class, not feeling anything out of the ordinary, and then she vomited out... Uh... Vomit... Coloured... Cubes." She said with confusion."Cubes?" I said, trying to keep the secret hidden. "Yes, it was very unusual. You don't know anything about this, do you?" Mrs. Sauria said. Oh no. This is when a truth or a lie is said. "Umm... Not that I know of, no." I said with precaution. "Okay then." Mrs. Sauria said.

Poor Emma, she was feeling so sick, so, I walked up to her and told her everything's going to be alright. "Mrs. Sauria!" I said, trying to get her attention. "Yes, Denver?" "Can I take her down to the office, so I can call her mom, and tell her that Emma is sick?" I said, wanting to help her. "I don't know, Denver... She might get you sick." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "I will be safe, but I'll be going fast enough for Emma." I said. "Alright, Denver." Mrs. Sauria said, glad I am looking out for a friend. "Come on Emma. We're going to the office to call your mom." I said trying to sit her upright so we can go. "*cough, cough* okay." She said with a raspy voice.************************
I hope you are enjoying the book. What do you think will happen next? Does Emma cube again? ("Cube" means vomits cubes). Does Mason finally believe Denver? I'll give you a hint. 2 words. Game. Warning.

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