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    The morning was dark and dreary. A thick black wall of clouds stretched as far as the eye could see. It was clear that there was no hope for the smallest ray of sunlight to break through and warm the dismal day. But even this held some beauty for Clarke. It overwhelmed her senses. The smell of the rich, wet earth. The sound of drizzling rain pattering on the leaves. How just the change of weather could dull the colors and make the world look a little grey. She had read in books that days such as this were thought to be miserable. She couldn't disagree more. Everything felt and smelled fresh and new.

But after having been on Earth for some time now, the newness of rain had worn off for the others. They now grumbled in discontent and began to agree with the books. However, Clarke was sure she never would. Closing her eyes, she took a deep, cleansing breath. For once she felt relaxed and as if the rain had washed away the threat of the Grounders.

When she opened her eyes again, she caught Finn staring at her. "How do you like this?" he asked, bemused.

"I love the rain." Clarke replied simply.

"This is not rain. This is mist just heavy enough to fall from the sky. It's making everything damp and it's freezing cold. Plus the cold is just another reminder that winter is on its way and we are not prepared for it."

"Someone left his optimism in bed this morning."

Finn raised an eyebrow at her. "You are the one who is always so serious and grounded." Clarke rolled her eyes at him.

"Hey, Finn!" Raven's voice called from within the Dropship. Finn gave Clarke a long, sad look before turning back and heading deeper inside.

Suddenly, Clarke's mood soured and she couldn't bear to be there at that moment. She stepped out into the rain and headed for the gate. "Where are you going?" one of the girls called out from the dry cover of the Dropship.

"Just outside the wall." said Clarke. "Don't worry. I'll stay close." She paced outside, her hand running along the walls the kids had spent days building to protect themselves from the Grounders. It wasn't long before Bellamy found her.

"What are you doing out here Princess?" His hands lightly held his new rifle, but his eyes uneasily scanned their surroundings. "You know better than to come out here alone and without a weapon."

"I just needed to get away for a few minutes."

Bellamy's calculating eyes rested on her annoyed face. "Listen Clarke, I get that you and Finn had something, but you have to let that go now. Move on."

"I am not taking relationship advice from a guy who spends each night with a new girl in his bed."

Bellamy shrugged. "Suit yourself. But you really should get inside the wall." Clarke ignored him. Her attention was snagged as she thought she heard something unusual. "Clarke..."

"Shut up," she snapped. "Listen."

He fell silent and listened. After a few seconds of hearing only the rain in the trees, he heard it too. A child screamed. "No, Clarke. Wait!" But he was too late. Clarke was already running to the voice. Bellamy swore under his breath before hurrying after her.


Hey guys, sorry this is really short. This is my first 100 fanfic so I hope you like it!

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