The Boy

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 "Are you trying to get us both killed?" Bellamy growled as he tried to keep up with Clarke's determined strides.

"No one said you had to come."

"Someone had to go with you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid."

"Hmm, like when you allowed the others to hang Murphy?"

Bellamy scowled. "I warned you, but you still had to go out there and cause them to get riled up in the first place."

"Do I need to mention the radio?" Bellamy fell into sullen silence.

They heard crying and it got louder. Soon they came upon a Grounder child not more than ten. Half of one of his legs was stuck in a hole in the ground. Both Clarke and Bellamy looked around, but there didn't seem to be anyone with the boy.

"Why did a Grounder kid wander this far?" Bellamy mused to himself. Clarke shrugged and slowly walked towards the boy.

"Hey, I'm going to help you okay?" Clarke said in a soothing voice. The boy stared at her with wide, fear filled dark eyes. It was hard to tell whether he even understood her. She looked at Bellamy who still stood a few feet away, his gun held up defensively as if he expected a Grounder to burst out of the trees and attack at any moment. "Can you give me a hand?"

Bellamy signed before setting down his gun on the ground and walking over. He grabbed the kid under his arms and began to pull him out.

"Slowly," Clarke warned. "He may have hurt his ankle." Bellamy got him all the way out and gently sat him down so Clarke could check to see if his ankle was broken. She was feeling it when four Grounders arrived. They immediately jumped to the conclusion that the strange Sky people were harming the boy and attacked. They descended upon them before they even knew they were there.

Clarke was thrown back and she hit the ground lying on her back. She was thrown so hard that for several long, scary seconds she couldn't breathe. Bellamy tried to fight back, but he was outnumbered and his gun was lying on the ground where he left it. When Clarke recovered, she rolled onto her hands and knees. "Stop!" she screamed at the Grounders. "We were just trying to help him."

One of the Grounders glowered at her and kicked her shoulder. She cried out in pain and fell into the mud again. Bellamy punched one of the Grounders in the throat and he dropped like a rock. "Tell them the truth!" Bellamy yelled at the boy. "Tell them we weren't trying to hurt you." He stayed silent and just stared guiltily at the ground. Another Grounder kneed Bellamy in the stomach. Bellamy gasped and his knees buckled. A punch to the head followed and knocked Bellamy out cold.

Two Grounders roughly yanked Clarke off the ground and bound her wrists with rope. She struggled and protested, but it was no use. She had no choice, but to let them tug her along. "Bellamy!" she shouted uselessly as they took her away and left him there. "Bellamy, get up!" He didn't move.

Long after they were gone, Clarke's voice remained with Bellamy, coaxing him to wake up. His name and her desperate plea rang in his ears. His mind, groggy and unfocused, repeatedly snatched feebly at the sound, trying to understand what it was saying. Finally, by some miracle, it came to him clearly. "Bellamy, get up!"

Bellamy sat up so fast his head spun. He groaned and rubbed the place where the Grounder's fist landed. Everything came to him a little at a time. First, he realized it had stopped raining although he was still soaked to the bone. Then, a lot of time had passed. The shadows were lengthening as evening drew on, but darkness would not descend for at least another hour or two. Lastly, he was alone. The Grounders were gone. The child was gone. Clarke was gone.

Bellamy stiffly got to his feet. "Clarke?" he called out hopefully. He felt so sure that she was the one who had woken him up. Her voice had sounded so real and close. But Clarke did not answer. "Damn it," he growled, picking up his gun. It looked like he would be leading another rescue mission. He took one step in the direction of the camp to get reinforcements before pausing. If he went back and formed a party to rescue Clarke, Finn would definitely want to be a part of it. Things were already complicated enough between Raven, Finn and Clarke. He didn't want to make it worse. Finn rushing to Clarke's rescue would definitely arouse Raven's jealousy. And then Finn would be bugging him the whole way with his worry for Clarke. Also, Clarke was trying to keep her distance from Finn. Why would he bring him right to her?

Bellamy tried to convince himself that these weren't just excuses as he turned right back around and marched deeper into the woods to save Clarke by himself.

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