One Kiss

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Take a deep breath. Ready? One... Two... Three! Bellamy grunted as he yanked the arrow out of his shoulder. Ripping a strip from his own shirt, he held one of the ends with his teeth and tied it around the wound. With that taken care of, he pushed himself up onto his feet and looked out over the river for any sign of Clarke.

Bellamy was furious. That was the only thing that could describe how he was feeling at that moment. There was nothing else. The rage consumed everything. He was not going to return to camp without Clarke. He was going to find her. And the Grounders had better hope that she was still alive because if she wasn't, there was going to be hell to pay. He took one step and swayed to the point where he almost fell. His head was spinning and his vision began to blur. Why is it so hot? He thought. Then he remembered that the Grounder dagger that had stabbed Finn was poisoned. Their arrows were probably poisoned too.

"You have got to be kidding me!" His knees weakened so he took hold of a nearby tree to hold himself up. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself from one tree to the next, making his way down the river bank. If he was going to die, he was going to die. But not before he made sure Clarke was okay.


Clarke woke on the sandy bank of the river, the serpent's carcass lying only a few feet away. It had washed up there while she was unconscious. She didn't know how long she was out of it, but her clothes were almost dry which most likely meant way too long.

"Clarke?" She whirled around to see Lincoln standing just outside of the tree line. "What are you doing here?" Clarke had no idea how to answer. She was honestly probably just as shocked to see him as he was to see her. She hadn't seen him since Bellamy tortured him in the Dropship, but she knew about Octavia's secret meetings with him. His eyes briefly glanced at the dead serpent. "Are you okay?" She shook her head. Everything ached and she was so cold. The serpent had gotten her just below the knee and it hurt like hell. She didn't know she was shaking until Lincoln sighed softly and wrapped an arm around her waist to help her up. He held her close to warm her up and the shaking slowed. "Let's get you back to your camp."

"No," she replied hoarsely. "Not without Bellamy. He was shot by a Grounder."

"The arrow could have been poisoned. Where did you last see him?"

"Up the river, but I don't know how far." Clarke was unable to put much weight on the leg that was bitten so Lincoln had to keep supporting her as she limped along. They made slow progress, but eventually they found Bellamy. He was leaning against a tree, out of breath, his face pale and his shirt damp with sweat. "Bellamy!" Clarke cried and she left Lincoln's side to hobble over to him. "Oh my God!"

"I'm alright, Princess." he mumbled and stepped away from the tree to prove it by showing he could stand on his own. He stumbled and Clarke stepped forward to catch him. He continued to protest and claim that he was fine, but she found herself partially supporting him.

"Lincoln, some help?" Lincoln wrapped Bellamy's good arm around his shoulders.

"You two had better come with me." Bellamy was a total deadweight which made trying to keep up easier for Clarke. Lincoln took them to his cave and laid Bellamy down on his bed. Then he got to work looking for the antidote for the poison. When he found the tiny bottle, he brought it over and tried to give it to Bellamy, but Bellamy shook his head and refused to take it.

"I don't want anything from you." he growled.

"Stop being a stubborn ass." Clarke snapped at him as she sat on the floor next to the bed. "He is just trying to help." When he wouldn't budge, she sighed and took the bottle from Lincoln. "If you don't trust him, trust me." She uncorked the bottle and sniffed the antidote. It was odorless just like the last stuff. If there was something extra in it that made it poisonous, she would probably smell it. "It's the same stuff Finn and Octavia took, Bellamy." Bellamy eyed the antidote warily for a few seconds, but then he took it and poured the liquid into his mouth.

"Happy?" he grumbled.

A smile tugged at Clarke's mouth. "Yes," Lincoln built a fire and soon the cave was warm.

"I thought the serpent would have killed you." Bellamy said softly.

"It tried. I killed it first."

He grinned. "That's my girl."

Clarke blushed and looked shyly at the floor. Finally, she said, "You should get some sleep. The poison will flush out of your system faster."

"So should you."

"I will."

"It doesn't look very comfortable there on the ground." He patted the bed. "Come on."

Clarke shook her head. "I'm fine down here."

Bellamy smirked. "You know you've wanted to get in bed with me for some time now, Princess."

It was like a switch was flipped. Clarke went from concerned friend to hard and cold. "Go to hell." she snarled and turned her back on him.

He instantly regretted his words. He knew better than to joke like that with Clarke. "I'm sorry, Clarke. I was kidding. Don't be like that, please." When she didn't say anything he reached out and tugged on a strand of her hair. She swatted his hand away. "I can endure anything as long as you're with me, Clarke. Don't push me away now when I am lying on my deathbed."

"Don't be such a big baby. You're not dying."

"I was dying and all I could think about then was making sure you weren't dead."

Clarke sighed. "You can really twist your way into a girl's heart, you know that?" Bellamy grinned as she got up and climbed onto the bed next to him.

"I'm just glad I finally reached yours."

"Keep your hands to yourself." she warned teasingly as she rested her head against his chest. She could feel his heart beating and it was slightly faster than normal. Bellamy chuckled and rested his cheek on her head. He closed his eyes and was asleep within seconds.

Clarke was slower to fall asleep. For a little while she just laid there, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the soft rise and fall of his chest. It felt so strange, yet somehow so right to be lying there with him.

When she woke up only an hour later Bellamy was looking at her and he had a small smile on his face. "What?" Clarke asked suspiciously.

Bellamy leaned in and kissed her. If she totally rejected him, well, he kind of expected her to. But he had to have kissed her just once. To his utter amazement, she kissed him back. They didn't know what to say when they broke apart. There were no words to express what they were feeling in that moment. In the end, Clarke just suggested that they head back to camp. Bellamy agreed.

On the way back, neither of them said a word although they kept sneaking glances at each other as if hoping the other would bring up the kiss first. Bellamy was just about to open his mouth when they heard a shout. "Bellamy and Clarke are back! Open the gate!" They were home.

Everyone rushed to the gate to greet their returning friends. At the very front was Finn and he rushed to Clarke and pulled her into a hug. "Thank God you're okay. What happened to you? We were so worried. We sent out several search parties."

Clarke looked back at Bellamy who gazed back with a hard look of his own, his jaw clenched tight. She knew that he now realized one simple truth that she had silently struggled with on the walk home right after that kiss. No matter what Clarke felt for Bellamy, there was still that small part of her that belonged to Finn and always would. She loved them both. She could never truly be Bellamy's because of that. But she could never truly be Finn's either because she had found the part of her that belonged entirely to Bellamy and always would.

A piece of Bellamy broke as he turned his back on the sickening scene of Clarke's arms around Finn. It was time to get to business. He found Raven in the crowd. "How are those bullets coming along?" he asked her.

"Very well,"

"Good. Because I have a feeling we are going to need every last one you can possibly make."

So that's the end. I'm sorry it was kind of short, but I hope you liked it! :)

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