Chapter 6- Thanksgiving

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November 24th (Adrianne)
Tai gave me a nice red dress that stops at my knees and a pair of white slip on shoes, he was wearing a silly black suit with a red tie, we got in his car and he drove me to a nice elegant restaurant, is he really doing all of this for me..? He helped me out the car and walked me inside, after we got settled in our seats a waitress came and asked us what we will have to drink, Tai got a raspberry lemon tea and I got a dr.pepper, I'm not good at being classy. He ordered a spaghetti which I laughed about because if Ellie was here she would've stole his spaghetti, I got a steak with a side of bacon wrapped asparagus. " Can I taste your spaghetti?" I asked him, " Of course only if you give a bite of your steak" he replied and smiled, his smile is so bright, I gave him a bite and he gave me a bite, I thought about something " You must care about me a lot, to actually do everything you've done for me" I mumbled, picking some bacon-wrapped asparagus.

Tai Vocuré
What should I say..? I really care about her, I'll just tell her, " Adrianne.. I.. I.. I just want to protect you, I love you, I didn't want to tell you because you probably don't even love me back, you're perfect, you're stunning, I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way" I blushed because of what came out of my mouth.. I did it.. I really told her how I feel. "Tai, let's stop acting like Bestfriends and actually go out, I love you too.." Adrianne replied. I nodded, " I'm glad you feel the same way. After we finished we went back to my house and she got her stuff and went back home, I'll see her at school tomorrow, I'll see her lovely smile tomorrow.

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