Loathing Lovers (GamVris) [<3<] !NSFW! *Request*

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Vriska didn't know if she wanted to open that fridge. Her red feelings told her to let the psychopathic clown out of his cold prison, but her brain screamed for her to not be stupid and keep it closed.


A lock fell to the ground as Vriska began removing the restraints on the fridge. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she had to see him.

She looked around to make sure she was completely alone before pulling the chains wrapped around white prison off. A few magnets were knocked down as Vriska threw the chain to the ground. The cerulean blood stepped back, waiting for the fridge to open.

And it did.

Suddenly, it's door flew off. The force behind it sent it soaring, causing it to land to the side of Vriska. She jumped slightly, standing back. She heard a low rumbling coming from the fridge.

"Who the motherfuck is letting me out?" A low voice called out. Gamzee placed a hand on the side of the fridge, pulling himself up quickly. He looked in the direction of Vriska, and smirked slightly.

"WELL LOOK WHO THE MOTHERFUCK IT IS. Spiderbitch." He stepped out, walking towards the cerulean blood with a look of disgust. He reached a hand out, quickly wrapping it around Vriska's neck as he reached her. She gasped, moving her hands to his quickly.

"WHY IN THE MOTHER FUCK WOULD YOU WANT ME OUT? Don't you motherfucking want to protect everyone sis? BECAUSE LETTING ME OUT ISN'T GOING DO MUCH TO HELP." Gamzee spat in Vriska's face, shining his sharp fangs with a menacing smile. Vriska squirmed in his grip, gasping desperately for air. Gamzee rolled his eyes, letting go of his hold. Vriska fell to the ground, taking in sharp breaths. Gamzee laughed.

"Damn sis, didn't know you were such a wimp." He muttered, his grin scaring the living shit out of Vriska. Her eyes widened.

"G-Gamzee, why are you doing this?" She questioned. Gamzee laughed again, bending down to Vriska's level. He snatched her chin, lifting her face to look him in the eyes. Vriska's eyes brimmed with tears as the psychopath before her grinned in a way that sent shivers down her spine.

"OH SIS, YOU REALLY CAN'T TELL?" He asked, laughing. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. Gamzee turned her head, leaning in close to her ear.

"I'm motherfuckin black for you, spiderbitch." He whispered, turning Vriska's head back quickly. Before she could even react, Gamzee attached his lips to hers with force. Vriska's eye's widened, placing her hands on Gamzee's chest. She pushed him off of her, gasping for air as Gamzee laughed. The cerulean blood growled, standing up and walking up to Gamzee. She placed a foot on his chest, pushing it into his rib cage.

"Look Gamzee, I let you out because I'm RED for you." She said as she put more force into her actions. Gamzee let out a short chuckle, Vriska's choice in location on him affecting his breathing.

"SWEETIE, THIS ISN'T VERY 'RED' OF YOU." Gamzee curled his fingers to mimic quotations at the word red. Vriska looked down at her heel which was digging into the clown below her. She jumped back, her eyes widening.

"I-I don't know what came over me.." She muttered, looking at the ground. Gamzee's laugh rang through the air as he stood up.

"Sis, caliginous feelings came over ya. YOU JUST CAN'T HOLD EM BACK." He stated, stretching his arms out with his palms turned toward the sky. Vriska scowled, looking Gamzee in the eyes. She was suddenly washed over with a feeling of complete disgust, and every fiber in her being told her to slap that smirk of of Gamzee's smug face.

And she sure as hell did.

Vriska rushed in front of Gamzee, putting force behind her palm as it made contact with the purple blood's face. He gasped, snapping his face back to give Vriska a dirty look. As he did, she attached her lips to his with a power that made Gamzee take a step back. He grinned against her mouth, biting Vriska's bottom lip so hard it drew blood. She pulled away, gasping loudly. Gamzee's smirk returned as he quickly removed his shirt. Vriska sneered and copied his actions. After they finished, she quickly pushed him onto the ground, quickly sitting and pressing all of her weight onto his crotch. Gamzee growled lowly, feeling his bulge unsheath itself from him. Vriska's was doing the same, squirming around in her pants.

♥️♠️Love in All Forms♦️♣️ (Homestuck One-Shots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن