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It was a normal day in NC. I had finally got finished watching Weston's broadcast when he came over. We are just friends and I don't think we will ever be more. We are both 14 and not looking for "love". There was snow on the ground and I thought he would want to sled on it.
After getting Weston out of the house

We decided to get the big sled my dad had just bought and the little sled he had gotten for Christmas. We brought hot chocolate and brownies because we're always hungry😂. After sledding for almost two hours we decided to go double sledding (both of us on one sled). On the way down the hill I cut my cheek on a piece of ice. I didn't know about it until he asked why I was bleeding. He proceeded to wipe it off with his finger and for the first time ever, I got butterflies in my stomach. It was kind of weird at first and I just couldn't believe that I might actually like him. We both started laughing and he just stopped out of no where. He leaned in, and kissed me. I couldn't believe what was going on but I didn't want it to stop. Finally he stopped, looked at me, and apologized. He said he couldn't help it and I told him he shouldn't feel bad. He then told me that he liked me, a lot, and that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. How could I resist! I said yes and to this day I couldn't regret a thing.

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