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                           NOW I REALLY WISH I COULD TURN BACK TIME
I can't believe that I actually kissed him why the hell would I do that you ask? Because I'm stupid and a loner. That's right my parents  got freaking killed by my psychotic brother Conner. " Hailley? " Jacob asks snapping me out of my train of thought, " that was that was WOW" Jacob says blushing and I just stand there dumbfounded. He goes into kiss me again and I let him I don't know why but I kinda enjoyed it for some reason. He bits his lip and he looks cute for once then I try to go. But Jacob grabs me and asks what are those. I hate vines I told him. He looked sad and than I realized he was talking about me arm. Ever since I found out about my brother I tell him. I cut myself. He told me if he were my boyfriend he would not let me do that. I need someone to stop me. I will never understand how I can say I'll never date but now I really like Jacob.

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