Fire in the whole

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That night when I went to bed I  smelt smoke. I asked Jacob and he said there was no problem. I asked him about the text. He said it was not true. The fact that he said it soooooo calmly just made me more mad. I yelled at him. "You are such a dumb as motherfucking adiot. It's true. I thought you loved me.

I went down stairs to calm down. I remember hearing him walk down the stairs. He left the house.

He came rushing in to my room about two hours later. I told him to leave. He said no. I turned around and saw him and 5 other boys. They all had guns. That's when i realized that I was not wearing anything accept underwear. No bra. No shirt. No pants. Jacob yelled at them to stop checking me out.

Jacob told me to get out of bed. I told him to leave so I could get changed. He left a boy named Jason with me. He was one of my exs. He watched me ask I moving. In a stalking and sexual way.

I screamed. That's the last thing I remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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