Under Fire

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Under Fire

Summary: Even the greatest lords need a helping hand from time to time. Lord Glorfindel is no exception. In need of help, it doesn't matter if the savior is small or wise. In this story, little Estel proves more help than any other elf in Middle-Earth. Fluff along with a sense of humor and the love of a family.

Disclaimer: I do now own anything, besides possible OC's. The genius J.R.R Tolkien created Middle-Earth and the characters. I won't gain any profit of it; This is only meant for entertainment proposes.

The sun begun to rise in the safe haven of Imladris. The eyes of the elves returned to their bright colors with every second. Within a few hours, everyone was busy with their lives and work.

In one particular room, one little edain boy awoke. His eyes opened, taking in his surroundings.

The room had vivid colors, blinding him instantly by waking up. The room was an open space. White, tall windows welcomed the sunlight in. Outside of the room, one balcony viewed over the valley. In the room stood one crafted wooden desk, made by his own brothers Elladan and Elrohir. His bed had blue sheets and faced outside. At the right side of him was a wardrobe and a door connected to the bathroom. Behind him was an old, white wooden door leading to the hallway of the family quarters.

All together, the boy had decided upon seeing the room that he had it good. The first time he viewed the room was after his journey to Imladris. His mother Gilraen had separated them from the unfamiliar elves and introduced him to his new home. Estel had been puzzled at the age of two, not understanding why they were there. At the age of nine, several things were still a mystery to him. But in all these years in the Last Homely House, he had come to terms with it. His ada had promised him after all that he would hear the full story when he would be older. Ada always tried to keep his promises, so the boy was satisfied. He couldn't help it either that those strange elves had interrupted their day off at the lake.

With a happy smile upon his face, Estel leaped out of his bed. Today would have another adventure for him! He walked over to his wardrobe and choose with an excited expression a composited green outfit. 'Dan and 'Ro had told him he looked like a wood elf in those clothes! Which was in the boy's opinion a good thing, since they also told him Mirkwood had the best archers. Although he preferred his sword, controlling another fighting skill was always handy. Aye, green clothes it would be! The boy pulled the clothes of the hanger and dressed himself. Overall, he did a good job! Besides getting stuck those few times in those evil sleeves, of course. He swore they had a mind of their own!

After he had gladden all the folds in his clothes, he left his room and made his way over to the dinning hall. When he entered, several of the elves in the palace were already present. This included his ada Lord Elrond, his mother Gilraen, Lord Glorfindel – secretly known as uncle Glorfy – Lord Erestor (who still held a grudge against him for saying his name wrong all those years when he recently learned to speak), Lindir and strangely enough, Elrohir without his twin Elladan.

“Morning!” He creaked while climbing on the high, royal chair made for him. Immediately several heads shot up towards the owner of the voice. Erestor, as the advisor he was, covered his ears against the high sound. His ada Elrond shot him an apologizing look before sharing a look with the other elders. The ones who Estel wasn't very familiar with were all very irritated while Lord Glorfindel wore a smug look. Why, he never knew. It was Glorfindel, after all.

His mother wore a neutral expression as Elrohir. Lindir had a very badly hidden smile on his face, sympathy in his eyes. It was another normal day in the Last Homely House.

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