Abductions Addictions and Abortions

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So it all started one day when my friend Caitlyn and I were in the stupidest class of all, programming. I absolutely hate this class and it has no point. So anyways, we were using this stupid program called Alice and we had to make a tea party. I had finished but Caitlyn was very far behind. I decided to help her and do puzzles on my computer. I kept beating them and she kept saying she hates me like always cause I'm way better than her (duh, I'm a Queen and she's just a peasant... JK). Anyways, I was helping her and we were just messing around, chatting, and giggling like teenage girls do when I brought up Troye Sivan. I basically never shut up about him so yeah. I started talking about him and Caitlyn was like "I swear you have an abduction... I mean addiction." And I was like "What? An abortion?!" We both bust out laughing and couldn't stop. It was so freaking funny. This class is where things get dark and weird. I have a very messed up brain. I'm sorry. Back to the story, at the end of class, the teacher came up to us and told us we need to calm down and be quieter in class. We just left laughing and it was the highlight of my week ( and trust me a lot of stuff happened). It was weird but also amazing. Yeah programming and IT are my weirdest classes and we talk about the weirdest things but I swear we aren't that weird on the outside (the inside is another story).
A/N: So... Yeah that's it. Hope you enjoyed. I'll most likely be posting frequently because school is a very strange place for me, lol. Anyways, until next time you little trash bags (PS I non stop say trash and trash bag. It's like my word, I call everyone and everything trash).

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