Ralphy: Into The Light

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In IT, me and Caitlyn had to work with robots. We had our robot for 4 weeks. We named him Ralphy. He was amazing. We taught him how to go forward, backward, and turn. He was such a great little boy. I may have broken him a couple times but he's alright now. Caitlyn also threw him but he's perfectly fine now. We had such a great time with Ralphy. We made him some programs named Narwhal, DropBear, Loopy Loop, and Something else. A couple of days ago we had to delete all of his memory and leave him. I had to go to FCS and Caitlyn had to go to art. We had a very sad departure. Ralphy will always be in our memories. We love you our little boy.

A/N: So yeah, we left our robot child. We were terrible parents. We actually fight like we're married though. It's kind of hilarious.

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