Chapter 9

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Gray and I decided to cuddle up in his room and watch a movie after we took a shower. So that's what we did. We went with the Sandlot for our movie.

The two of us were all cuddled up under the blankets of his bed. His arm was around me and I was cuddled up next to him. I enjoyed every second of it.

There was a knock at the door.

"It's Ethan!!" He yelled through the door.

"Come in." Grayson said.

"Mom and dad just called. They said that there is more stuff on the way. But there's still a lot to get packed and out here. They might be in New Jersey for another month or so."

"So. You mean no parents for a whole month?" I asked.

"Yep. Just us." Ethan said back.

"Life just got a whole lot better." I said as we all laughed.

"Alright. Now get out Ethan." Grayson said as he left the room.

"This next month, is going to be so much fun Gray." I said to him.

"You got that right. What better than hangin with friends while both parents are out of town?"

"I'd be crazy if I said anything other than nothing."

We finished watching the movie. By that time it was almost 10pm. I sat up in his bed and stretched a little. I was too tired to move. So I just ended up sleeping in Graysons room again.

*2 days later*

It was the last day of our 4 day weekend. It was fun while it lasted. The 4 of us only grew closer over the weekend. It was almost like I've known them my entire life. I loved spending time with them. Especially Grayson.

We all stayed in our own rooms that day. Mainly because we were all exhausted from staying up so late. I don't think I even slept in the guest room even once yet though. I keep falling asleep in Graysons room. He didn't seem to mind though.

As I stood looking out the window of Grays room, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. I loved it when he did that. He kissed the top of my head.

"So. Um. I was wondering. Uh. Umm. Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I turned around so I was facing him probably blushing as well.

"Does this answer that?" I then kissed him.

It was a soft and gentle kiss, but a long one. Those lips of his were soft. I had so many butterflies at that moment.

"It answers my question perfectly." He said to me as we both smiled.

I layed down on his bed. He came above me and looked down at me with those perfect eyes of his. Our lips met once again. This time it turned into a make out session. It didn't take very long for things to get heated.

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