Chapter 11

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This random girl came up to Grayson today while we were at my locker and just started kissing him. I just slammed my locker and walked into class. Grayson then came in after me.

He tried to explain to me that she was nothing. I believed him, but not 100% yet.

After class she came up to him and asked if he wanted to watch her during cheer practice after school.

I'm on the Cheer team, she can't be on the Cheer team.

"I can't Lizzy. I have LaCrosse practice after school." Grayson told her.

"Then how about another day?" She then asked.

"No. I'm busy everyday of the week. I'm sorry Lizzy. Like I said before I left New Jersey, please don't bother or talk to me any more."

Him and I then walked away hand in hand. I looked back to her just standing there with a confused but slightly hurt look on her face.

Once Gray and I got on our way to our next class, he stopped in the hall and kissed my lips.

"She means nothing to me." He said to me.

"I know baby. I love you."

"I love you too." He said with a smile.

We then went our separate ways for classes.


After class, I walked out to see Grayson waiting for me. It looked like he had some bad news to tell me.

"Hey babe." I said as we kissed.


"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something. I got suspended." He then said.

"For what?"

"Getting into a fight."

"Gray!! Why?"

"It's stupid why. But can't come to school the rest of the week." He said to me.

"Whatever. Let's just get to class." I said as I took his hand and walked to our next class.


After school we got back to their place.

"Babe. You haven't been talking to me. What's up?" Grayson asked when we got into his room.

"Suspended? I don't wanna be at school without you." I said to him.

He pulled me in close by my waist.

"Baby. It'll be okay. Go. For me. Alright?"

"Alright." I said as he kissed my head.

I didn't wanna go to school with out Grayson with me. I knew it wouldn't be the same without him. I knew that I would get into so much trouble if I just ditched school. Which I am considering doing.

Grayson and I did our homework and ate some dinner. We decided to just chill in his room for the rest of the night.

"Gray. I don't wanna go alone." I said to him.

"Babe. You have to and you know it."


Grayson made sure I got to school the next day. He also made Ethan promise to keep me there.

"Alright. See you after school baby." He said to me as we kissed and I walked out the door.

Since I knew that Ethan and I didn't have the same lunch that day, I had a plan to get back to Grayson.

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