Chapter 13

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Bay's POV:
I woke up and immediately got ready. Today Emmett and I will be joining his father and Debbie on a road trip. I'm not one of the most enthusiastic people in the world but I wanted Emmett to spend more time with his dad. I had just finished getting ready when my mom came and told me Emmett was here. I went downstairs and we left my house. As we were walking out I noticed he had his motorcycle.

Bay: "Are you going to leave your motorcycle at your dads?"

Emmett: Yeah, my mom said she didn't want it at her house with no one to drive it

I laughed silently and got on the motorcycle. Soon we reached his dad's house. We walked up to the door and knocked. Debbie answered the door smiling.

Debbie: "Come on!"

We smiled and walked in. The house smelt like lavender and it was very organized. Cameron turned from the corner and smiled at us.

Cameron: let's get going!

We helped them get their bags and pack up the car. Then we all got in and pulled out of the drive way.

It's a really short chapter, I know. I'm sorry about that but I've been going crazy trying to prepare for a high school audition. As soon as it's over I'll try to write more :)

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