In the jungle (a third time)

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My wings felt heavy and I almost crash landed on the jungle. I felt exhausted. As Greg climbed off my back and slowly took my saddle off, I collapsed into a messy dragon heap, my tongue lolling out and panting heavily.

I shapeshifted back into a human, and I ran behind a tree to change into new clothes that I had ripped 'accidentally' when I shapeshifted into a dragon. According to Luke, I had 'accidentally' ripped over twenty pairs of clothing already.

"Now we have to get to Yuuri. That was only half of the journey. Ta-ta! We should get going!" Greg said as he smiled and lifted his suitcase and saddle and gestures towards the beach. "Come, you must be tired. Let's not go just yet."

I changed quickly and walked towards Greg, and he pointed towards a seat beside him, and I laid down and took a well-earned rest.

After two hours of rest, including thirty minutes of swimming, I felt energized to carry on. I went behind the tree again, took off my clothes, and shapeshifted into a dragon. I wondered about the cats. Wouldn't they be squished up in that little saddle?

I pushed the thought out of my head and took off, for another exhausting three hours of flight. Now I knew how airplanes felt when they have to carry lots of people for as long as ten hours. If dragons were used instead of airplanes, that would be like torturing one.

Trekking through a jungle was one thing, but getting bitten by the same bug over fifteen times was something else. I had swells covering the whole of my arm now, and my face had swollen so much that I could barely talk. The wizard, unfazed by how I looked, continued hacking through the vegetation that blocked our clear path back to Yuuri. I hadn't known that there was this much of thick jungle surrounding Yuuri.

But then again, I didn't know a lot of Yuuri yet, as I was only king for only a few days. That was an understatement. I barely knew anything about Yuuri.

I smiled sheepishly at Greg. But my smile, as what one might have described at that moment, was far from a smile. It looked like a frown, because my face was swollen in such a shape that it could not even be recognized as a smile.

I saw the wizards two pets scamper after Greg, also trampling on vegetation that blocked them from their master.

I thought about how happy Luke would be after me returning back with the person who could possibly save the whole world. 

"We're at Yuuri!" Greg exclaimed after nearly what seemed like eternity trudging through jungles. My face had become less swollen. In fact, Greg said that there was almost no more swells at all. I excitedly bounded through the last stretch of trees, and before I knew it, I saw the glistening back and humming sound of beating wings of the Murara beetle, and it cut through the air, straight for my hand, and bit it.

I sighed. Before I knew it, my hand had swelled to the size of an apple. 

As I held my newly swollen hand, I walked out of the jungle, to find roars and shrieks of dragons overhead. I looked up, and large shadows covered me as I saw a large herd of different species of dragons flying straight for Yuuri. 

The realization hit me like a bullet train. I clutched my chest as I staggered back from the impact as something hit my chest. I looked at my chest. I saw a dart buried in my chest, and a mixture of crimson red blood and algae green poison spread over my shirt. I clutched my head and leaned against a tree, as dizziness and nauseousness swept over me. I didn't feel any pain.

Greg took me in his arms, and as my vision blurred and my words slurred, Greg said something to me that I could not quite make out. I nodded dumbly, and managed a single word, "He...lp." Then I blacked out.

Hello readers! Sorry I didn't write for so long! :P I hope you guys understand and I hope you like this new chapter which is short compared to the previous one. I know you're wondering why the last chapter was so long compared to my earlier chapters. And I know it was around 1180 words and I'm really sorry for making you guys read such long chapters. Anyways, hope you guys will check frequently for updates on my book and hope that you guys love this story! :) Love you guys! <3 :3

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