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"Ms. Haven?"

Damn, she thought. Through all thirty students in this class it had to be me?

Reluctantly, she stood up and walked to the front where she had to read the tale of a man with his long-lost lover. She was in Literature class. And this class was what she dreaded most. Beside the fact that the teacher was incredulously boring, the lessons also inexplicably hard to understand. She barely maintain her A's on this class.

Well. It was either this or History, so.

"Once upon a time," she started in all too familiar tone. Before she continued, someone at the back of the class had to interrupt.

"In a land far far away!"

Mrs. Hannah snapped. "Be quite please, Mr. Rathman!" She let out a huff before turning back to the textbook. "Do continue, Kayla."

"There was a man who lived alone in the middle of the woods. He always believe in the idea and concept of destinated love; someday your soulmate will come to your life, and when they do, you realize that they worth the waits."

She had the urge to roll her eyes.

"Which was true, because after he spent twenty years waiting for his love, finally a beautiful woman came crushing in his life. She had the most shiny chestnut hair, eyes like the sky, skin softer than babies, and pink lips under the sunshine. From the moment they saw, they knew, that they were destinated for each other."

This time she scrunched her face in disgust. No way in heavens she would ever believe in love at first sight.

"The two of them were together. She brought happiness in his house. Often she sings with the birds and dance with animals in the forest. Until one time, the prince heard her songs and fell in love with her voice."

Kayla looked up from her textbook and stole a glance at everyone in the room. About five students were actually reading the tale, some others playing with their phones, and others whispering at each other.

This is ridiculous.

"The man realized that he was nothing compared to the prince. He didn't retreat when the prince took the love of his life to the royal castle. 'It's okay,' the woman said, giving him her worth-gazing smile. 'I'll come back to you.'

Years and years passed, yet the man still waiting for what he believed as his true love. He grew old. Sitting alone in the middle of the woods, he wondered, where could my love be?

Right when he was about to give up on his love, and old lady came in front of his house. 'My love,' she said. The man smiled weakly and they hugged. A girl and a boy appeared behind the woman's figure. 'These are my children,' she said while looking down. And when the man looked at her eyes, he knew, that love truly weren't supposed to have each other."

I finished with a look of disgust.

This is why people shouldn't believe in love.

"So sad," she heard someone sobs. Sure enough, it was Mrs. Hannah.

In one quick motion Kayla rushed back to her seat. When she did, she sunk on the chair. She was never going to read another sappy love story, ever again.

Little did she know, she was about to begin one.

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