Chapter 9: "She's probably a walking STD bank."

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"Man, I hate this plan." Nate whined as the warning bell rang overhead. He was going to be late to class, or just not even make it to his first block. He hated the idea of getting the phone call home saying he skipped class.

"Suck it up, you're helping a friend." 

"You're only doing this to win points with Ali!" 

"I am not! I can't believe you would accuse me of that! I really care about Will's and Sara's relationship." I said as I feigned horror at Nate's accusation. Both parts were true, I wanted to help Sara and Will, but I did need to win points with Ali before her sister could spill my secrets.

"Just get on with it because I'm sick of standing here."

"Well, go in and get her!" 

Nate groaned and stomped his way into the band room. We had found one of Elizabeth's friends in the hallway on our way over here and she had told us her class schedule. After we told her a few lies so that she would stop being so curious about why we wanted to know. She had been so difficult to get information out of until we told her why we wanted to talk to Elizabeth, even if it was a lie.

"Why am I wanted in the office?" I heard a high-pitched squeaky voice ask, the sound sent a shiver up my spine. 

God, I hope Will appreciates what I'm about to do for him because I know Sara won't. Well, she might, but only after she's dated Will for a while and realizes that Will is actually good for her. Until then she will be fighting against falling for him every step of the way, but eventually she would thank me too. If not, I was going to hate myself for putting Nate and I through this.

"I don't know. I only bring the passes, they never tell me why a certain student is asked for." Nate retorted. He was angry that he had to be a part of this because if anyone found out then he'd be in trouble for posing as one of the office attendant. For some reason they took that really seriously now, but I needed someone to do it and Will couldn't do it.

"Fine, I'll go." Elizabeth groaned as she came out of the classroom. 

I took off before she could see me and ran about half way down to wait for her. If all went well, I would just be repeating a girl for the first time in my history. I wanted to take her attention off Will and get it onto someone else, so who better than the one she threw herself over. She wasn't my type, too clingy, but I took her on a date and then promptly dumped her.

She was really angry for a while that I just avoided her. She egged my house, sabotaged my locker and set me up for letting a deer lose in the school. She was crazy and I wanted to keep my distance from her, but if this is what had to be done then I'd do it. Nate said he would help, as long as he didn't have to date her. I guess he did have standards then just anything female; and Sara calld me a womanizer. I thought as Elizabeth rounded the corner.

"Hey Elizabeth." I said smoothly as I leaned on the wall behind me.

"Hey Jace. What's up?" She asked with a flirty smile. Her t-shirt showed off the cleavage that her push up bra gave her and her skirt showed off a little more than it should. Couldn't girls understand that guys want it short enough to draw an interest, but long enough to leave something a mystery?

Man, Taylor and Nate were right. This girl was a total slut and only looking for a quick bang. I felt my eye twitch, as I knew I was going to regret doing this to myself later. I tried to remember why I was doing this, but the over whelming urge to throw up was making that difficult. This girl was like poison, and was starting to look like it too. I hope Will and Sara appreciate this one day.

"I was wondering if you would want to go on a date sometime."

"Really?" She asked skeptically. It was rare that I did repeats and it was only if the sex was any good. I would repeat Casey any day.

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