Chapter 11: "It's like being raped, but your forced to laugh."

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I plopped down on the sofa next to Sara and Nate.Nate laughed lightly and hit me on the shoulder since I almost landed in his lap. While Sara glared at me because I almost made her drop her plate of food. She had mixed feelings about having me in her house after my attempted break in. I only knew that because she kept me on a short leash where ever I went.

I tried going upstairs and she had Nate bring me back down while she closed and locked all of the doors except the bathroom. When she came back down stairs she locked the basement door and the office door to keep me out. Even her dog was watching me as I moved awkwardly around the house. He clearly rmeembered me trying to break in on him a two weeks ago, and he didn't like it.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, getting frustrated that I had bene looking at Nate and Sara for the last hour. I didn't want to be at home while my parents were trying to refurbish the house, so I left early and Sara hadn't been pleased about that.

"Well, there's still thirty minutes before they are even supposed to show up. You didn't even have to come, you already know the whole speech we're going to give!" Sara said angrily as she huffed when she moved from the couch.

"But then I wouldn't have been able to see your lovely face!" I called when she walked toward the front door to see if anyone else was coming. I think she had gotten sick of me already too, but that's fine she wasn't the one I was after.

"Shut up!" She yelled back, not impressed with my attempts to win her over.

"Could you at least turn on some music?" I asked as she passed the stereo.

I saw her glare at me before a smirk creased her lips. I would regret asking that, I could tell from the look on her face. When the music stared playing I instantly regreted ever wanting to listen to music. Country music started coming through the speakers and it didn't help when Sara started singing. I guess Will would be the only singer in this group. If they had kids I hope they got Will's voice because Sara's gave me a headache.

"You're the one that asked for it. Why do you think I didn't?" Nate said when he heard me groan in protest.

"Is her whole family like this?" I asked as I listened to a song about crazy love that isn't realy unless you've lost your mind.

"No, just her and her sister. The southerners in them just can't help, but have country music playing at all times. Her dad hates the country music though and so does my mom. It's the one thing she just can't stand." 

"I'm really starting to hate her."

"You're just mad because you didn't get anywhere with Ali the last few days and not for a lack of trying either." Nate taunted reminding my failures this week. 

I had tried to get Ali to talk to me and each time she shut me out. Appearently she had heard that I asked out Elizabeth Catto and wasn't pleased with my choice of women. According to her, even I should have standards. I think it was meant as an insult, but I wasn't sure so I kept trying. Of course, it just started to bother her. Even when I tried being sweet and helped her pick up her books when she tripped in the hallway.

"What about when you tried telling her she looked nice and told her that her butt looked great in that dress?" Nate said with a laugh.

"That's smooth." Sara sneered as she walked by the the plate of cookies that had been baking since I got here. She couldn't cook or bake so Nate had been helping her and all Sara did was put the dough on the tray and put them in the oven. Anything else would have meant burnt cookies, if they were cookies. There was no way to be sure with Sara them.

"I didn't ask you!" I said as she put the plate down and started to move them onto a decorative plate before all of the other guests showed up.

"No you didn't, and look where it got you."

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