Plan: Human

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Moon's POV
   It's time... I walk away from the cave and go to a secret area that I have kept money at. I've saved enough to buy a house. I carry it back and wake up everyone.
Forest's POV
   Moon comes and wakes me up. He is carrying money in his mouth. Wonder what that's for... He wakes up the kids and he asks us to follow him and we do. He leads us to the same lab again!!! The man lets us in and puts us on the platform...
???'s POV
   More test subjects??? AWESOME!!! They go onto the platform and I pull the lever...
Petal's POV
   A blue light surrounds us and we all fall asleep. I wake up and look at myself. I have a orange knee-length dress with crisp Autumn leaves color hair. I'm a human? I look at Star. He's wearing a black shirt and black pants with yellow shoes. His hair is black with a few yellow streaks in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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