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Aikos Pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping 3 times,indicating that Haruma was texting me. I sat up and grabbed my phone

(A/N Haruma's in italics Aiko is regular.)


Ohayo,Haruma :)

Are you ready yet?

No,I just got up when you texted me.:p

Geez,for a student in class C you sure sleep a lot. Lol

Hey! I don't sleep that much c_c

Sure~ Anyway I''ll be waiting for you at the front of the school like I always do. Don't be late!

I won't. I love you Haruma.

I love you too Aiko. 

I sighed. Giggling I quickly got up and went in the bathroom to take a shower.

A/n Hoo My god! HI people! Okay so as i said here is Dense Lovers Volume 3!!!! And I'm sorry  for all my people who have been waiting for this.. Okay so  here it is <3 ~Vivian

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