"RAW" emotions at all time high.

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Brock was backstage at the taping of RAW, just walking around before he had to do his promo with Paul Heyman. He was walking past a dark corridor when he heard mumbling and the occasional sniffle. He was going to just keep walking but then he recognised who's voice it was. Dean Ambrose was sitting in the dark and crying. Brock felt a pain in his chest as he heard the man cry. Why was he feeling this way? He has only spoke to Dean a handful of times. He was broken out of his thoughts when a chair was thrown in his direction. "Why would he do this?... Its my own fault... *sniffle*... He's better without that trash in his life." Dean said quietly. Brock heard him slide down the wall and turned and saw him put his head in his hands. Brock didn't know what he was doing but he went towards Dean and quietly sat down next to him on the floor. "Dean." Brock said gently.
Dean snapped his head up quickly to see Brock Lesnar sitting next to him. He quickly wiped off his face and said hi trying to act like he was not crying only a second ago. It was silent between them for a few minutes. Brock didn't know why he felt the need to sit down with Dean, he wasn't the comforting type tbh.
Dean looked over at Brock with a confused look. Why was Brock sitting next to him but not saying anything? Did he hear him crying? Is this his way of making sure Deans okay? No that can't be it... Brock was the beast, he didn't have any emotions it seems like.
"Are you okay Dean?" Brock finally broke the silence. Dean didn't know if he should just say that he was fine or if Brock really wanted to know everything. He might have seen him crying, so he doesn't think Brock would believe the first option. He sighed and shook his head telling Brock that he was not in fact okay.
Brock nodded his head in understanding while Dean told him very slowly the summary of what caused him to be here right now crying and vulnerable. Apparently the break up of the Shield was actually Seth's way of breaking up with Dean mainly. Seth is still playing with Dean's mind even after months passed by. Also as Dean just told Brock, Seth told him that he loved him and that he wants him back. Dean believed him thinking Seth was telling him the truth. But instead of his love, Seth showed Dean his dick. He dragged Dean into his locker room and basically raped him. That was yesterday.
Brock couldn't believe Seth would do that to Dean. He found himself getting angry. He didn't think he could have hated Seth Rollins anymore than he already did, apparently he was wrong.
Dean finished telling Brock about how he finally made it to this moment. He was crying again but didn't realize it. That is til Brock unexpectedly grabbed his chin gently and used the tips of his thumbs to wipe Dean's tears away. Dean could believe the beast Brock Lesnar could be this gentle. Brock gave him a small smile. Was that blush on this face?!? The beast was gentle and blushing in front of Dean.
Brock found himself wanting to kiss Dean! He took his hands away from Dean's face and felt his cheeks warm up. He hoped Dean didn't notice.
They sat there for a few more minutes with smiles on their faces, both just enjoying the others company. After a while tho a stage official came to tell Brock he was on in 5.
Before Brock went to head toward the curtain tho, he pulled a now happier Dean into an embrace and giving him his number so if he needed to talk he could get a hold of the other man. After exchanging smiles one last time they both reluctantly leave the corridor and head separate ways for the night.

-The Beast's only weakness-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon