"Are things getting soft in Suplex City?"

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One Week Later...
Dean was walking around before RAW. He decided he was going to confront Brock tonight since he and Ro have a match with "the beast" at Fastlane.
He heard Paul Heyman talking out in the ring and decided to just go out there now and improvise. He got into the ring and noticed that Brock was fighting back a smile.
Brock was smiling when he saw Dean come out. Usually people stayed away from the man known as the beast incarnate in fear he would beat them up if they dare to challenge or call him out. That's another thing Brock found himself liking about Dean, he was different than other people in this company.
"Suplex City is kinda cozy... I don't want to fight you Brock but I need to so take me to suplex city baby!"
Did he just say that? Did he just call Brock baby?
Brock was so caught up with that thought that he let Dean just leave the ring, not that he wanted beat Dean up more than needed anyways.

Paul was look at Brock like he was wondering why he let him leave. Brock just shrugged and walked backstage. He went through the curtain and the first thing he saw was Dean leaning against the wall. He looked up and smiled at Brock. Brock smiled back but it was soon interrupted by Paul.

"Brock, what was the hell was that out there?" Paul said as he turned to see Dean standing there. "This doesn't concern you Mr. Ambrose, so please keep walking." He said before turning his attention to Brock again. "Stop staring at him! You need to focus!" Brock turned his attention to Paul and said "I am focused and I would be careful raising your voice at me Paul." He turned towards Dean and grabbed his arm. " Can I speak with you?" He asked dragging Dean towards his locker room, with Paul watching them go with a suspicious look.

He pulled Dean into his locker room and shut the door behind him. Dean hasn't said a word since he went backstage. "What did you want to 'speak with me' about?" Dean said with a smirk. Brock didn't even know what he wanted to say... Did he ask why Dean called him baby? Did he ask himself why he liked it so much? Is he going to tell Dean about the feelings he's had for him since last week? Maybe he should... "Brock?" Or maybe he should stop thinking and actually say something to the man in front of him... "Dean... um... I... Why did you call me that in the ring?" Way to sound awkward, he chastised himself. "What?... oh you mean baby?" "Yea." "Well I didn't really think about was I was saying to be honest. I was just saying what came to mind, but why is that bothering you?" " Um... I don't know. Just forget it."

Dean took a step towards Brock. He really didn't think about what he was saying out in the ring. Apparently his mind wanted to call Brock baby. He will admit that ever since last week he has developed a slight crush on Brock. " I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Brock." " No... you didn't make me uncomfortable Dean." "Then why did you-" " Because I liked it for some reason..." Brock mumbled, turning away so Dean couldn't see him blushing. Dean was confused, did Brock really just say that? He liked Dean calling him baby? Did that mean Brock had feelings for him too?!? Dean's eyes widened with that thought.

He looked at Brock closely and saw that he was blushing. He took a step closer and put his hand under Brock's chin and turned his face towards him, Brock was still trying to avoid eye contact. He was looking at the wall behind Dean instead. "Brock. Hey... um do you um actually have feelings for me also?" He asked as their blue eyes locked momentarily.

Brock didn't know how he should answer that question. He doesn't know for sure but he does like Dean... maybe even love him? He doesn't want to freak Dean out tho... WAIT Did Dean just say also?!? Brock's eyes widened and he looked into Dean's eyes and saw the hope there. "Also?" He asked timidly.

Now it was Dean's turn to blush. He saw the hope he was feeling in Brock's eyes also and he answered "Yea, I um think I have feelings for you Brock..." Brock knew in that moment he wanted Dean as his. He walked up closer to Dean, if possible, and he put his hand on Dean's cheek making sure they were face to face. He looked into Dean's eyes, silently asking if it was okay before he captured his lips in a gentle kiss, which became more intensifying as it continued.

After a few moments they parted for air. They were still looking into each other's eyes trying to process the new found love they both have just gained.

Paul walked in the locker room. He saw that they were really close to each other and he cleared his throat. "Oh am I interrupting something?" Dean stepped away from Brock and finally looked at Paul. "No, um I hope I'll talk to you later." He said looking at Brock before turning and walking past Paul and out the locker room door.

"What was that Brock? " Brock sat down in a steel chair. Paul went over to him. "I don't understand what is happening with you Brock. Dean is your opponent at FastLane and you need to focus! You don't need any distractions right now!" Paul yelled trying to get to Brock.

Brock knew that he didn't need to be distracted because of the PPV coming up but he also really wanted to be happy for once and he thinks that's what he could be with Dean... "I know what I am doing Paul." He said before Hunter came walking into the locker room.

"Lil Dean Ambrose got all up in your face and lived to tell the tale. Are things getting soft in Suplex City?" Hunter says walking closer to Brock and Paul. Lesnar shook his head. "We'll see about that, won't we?" Hunter says before leaving.

Brock leaves Paul in the locker room and goes to find Dean, to talk about a plan for the end of Deans match later.
He finds Dean sitting on a crate in one of the hallways and he sit down next to him.

"Hey." "Hey." Dean looked at Brock waiting to see if he was going to say something. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Brock spoke again. "So you have a match later against the New Day..." Dean nodded. "Yea but I've got it. Gonna shove that trombone up Woods' ass probably. Haha." He said with boyish charm. Brock chuckled. "Yea? Man I would love to see that... But I guess I should tell you that I have to go out and 'attack' you after your match."

Dean looked at Brock and just smiled. "Yea I figured after what Hunter said." "I don't want to hurt you tho." Brock said softly. Dean looked around the hallway quickly and grabs Brock's chin bringing him in for a soft kiss. "I know. I'm a professional tho. You won't hurt me. That is my job. This is my life." He tells him with sincerity. Brock looks away and blushes. "I know, I just don't feel like attacking you now. I know its our job but..." Dean grabs Brock's hand and links their fingers together. "Brock I will be fine. I trust you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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