Chapter 2

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The morning breakfast conversation around the big tables was lively as students were planning their Spring Break. As chatter reached the peak of excitement, the heavy wooden doors blew open and Hagrid strode in, his brow deeply distressed. Professor Dumbledore stood up.

"There's a storm a'coming. Get all the wee ones inside and lock the place down. We haven't seen one like this for a hundred years or more."

"How do you know this will be bad?" Dumbledore came face to face with Hagrid.

Hagrid motioned the Professor to move away from everyone. "Tempestarii," he whispered. Dumbledore broke from Hagrid and motioned everyone to finish eating and exit in an orderly fashion. Hermione's eyes moved to Draco. She, Harry and Ron finished quickly and left before the crowd emerged.

"There you go again," said Ron.

"Oh for Pete's sake Ron, will you just listen to Hermione for once in your life." Harry's fuse was shortening.

A split second after recovering from shock to Harrys sudden loyalty, Hermione began to surmise.

"Did anyone else notice how Draco stopped eating just before Hagrid came in? He knows something. I could read Hagrids lips. It sounded like Tempestarii."

"Whats that?" asked Harry.

"Tempestarii is an old fable of a suspected witch that was killed in the sixteenth century. Just as they lit the fire beneath her, she yelled out that she was coming back to revenge her death. The townspeople erupted and began to fight amongst themselves. Half of them wanted to keep her alive, and swords were drawn. It was a short and ugly civil battle, and as she burned on the stake, she laughed at the men fighting and egged them on until every single person was dead. When a few farm women came later to pick up their husbands, they found a grim scene, and the witch, still alive. When they cut her down, she whispered to them. Every person here today was responsible for my death. But don't you worry none, I will see to it that your dead husbands visit you regularly. They may have lost their bodies but their souls will soon belong to me, and I will lock them in the shadows for all eternity, to wreak havoc upon anyone that divide the masses for evil purposes. And then she died."

"So, she's a bad witch with a conscience?" asked Ron.

"Something like that," said Harry.

"She ain't getting any more bodies this time." Hagrid walked out of the shadows. Follow me. The four quietly slipped out of Hogwarts and headed to Hagrid's house.

"Anyone care for some Snockbird soup? Made it myself from the feathers of two fighting yesterday in the woods. Puts hair on your chest."

"I'll pass," said Harry.

"I know you're hiding something Hermione," said Hagrid. "Speak up."

Hermione began her lengthy description of the changes she saw in Draco over the past weeks. Ron and Harry were quiet, wondering how the obvious escaped them.

"None of it seems to add up." Hagrid paused, wondering how much he could divulge, until Hermione mentioned the Tempestarii, and the Snockbird soup almost hit the floor.

"Whatever you do don't mention that word around here," said Hagrid.

"Bit too late now," said Ron.

"Then we have to keep it to ourselves. Only the head masters know what the Tempestarii is. Oh there I go again, I shouldn't have said that."

"We already know. Hermione told us the grim details," said Harry.

"You three have to get back right away. Lord knows what would happen to you if you were caught outside in this. She would probably kill you and bind your soul to eternal hostage. But I didn't tell you that."

They raced out of Hagrid's with a strong wind against their backs. Before they reached the door, Harry turned to listen.

"Harry you have to get in NOW," yelled Hermione.

Harry turned and faced the winds.

"Harry Potter, find the mirror, the one that showed you your parents. You must destroy it."

The door slammed, and he leaned on the wall. The shock was apparent.

"What is it Harry," asked Hermione.

"A voice in the wind; it said to find a mirror and destroy it; the mirror that showed me my parents."

"What if it's a trap?" Hermione knew that mirror was precious to Harry and that he would often take leave of his dorm and spend hours staring at it, hoping his parents would show themselves one more time.

The halls began to fill as everyone shuffled around before retiring. The students had no idea what brought the storm to Hogwarts, but it was obvious the teachers knew. McGonagall was walking towards them.

"I hope you three are retiring for the night. I want no one to venture outside or open any windows."

"Bit of a tempest out there tonight," said Hermione.

McGonagall grabbed her arm. "You two boys get along now." She looked earnestly at Hermione. "How is it that you are always the one that knows things she shouldn't? Please do me a favor Miss Granger. Harry Potter must not go out in this storm, no matter what, until we find out what the Tempestarii wants. And just for once, don't let him know what we just said."

Hermione looked up at McGonagall. "Too late."

"Then get to your dorm and stay put."

Hermione parted company with McGonagall and just before entering her room she heard a whistle. She ran around the corner to where Harry and Ron were waiting.

Harry Potter and the Tempestarii StormWhere stories live. Discover now