Chapter 3

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Everyone concentrated in Dumbledores chambers.

"When the Tempestarii hits, there is no telling what matter of time it will take, or what needs to be done to send it away. Most legends spoke of starvation and death before the quest was figured out."

Harry, Ron and Hermione took turns putting an ear to the chamber door.

"I've got an idea," and Hermione ran through the hallways, up steep staircases and finally to the hallway where the mirror in question lived. Only, the mirror was gone.

"We have to find it," said Harry.

They moved around the castle, avoiding the usual suspects like Filch and Professor Snape, both known to have eyes in the back of their heads. They started to climb a dingy narrow staircase on the southwest outer wall when Harry stopped. He stared out the window, curious as to how a dead person could wreak so much havoc, when the Tempestarii's face appeared. Ron yelled, but Harry refused to move. He did not appear to be frightened. The face moved away and Harry just stayed there.

"She cast a spell on him," said Ron, his voice getting pitchy.

"I'm not under a spell." Harry turned to them. "She wants us to look for the mirror. I know what to do."

"I don't think that's a good idea," said Ron. "Look at her! Look at the damage she is causing. Not the kind of dead person you want to put your trust in."

"The mirror is not in the castle. It's out there." Harry stared out the window again, into the woods.

"We should look through the castle first Harry, in case Ron is right. We don't know what we are dealing with."

They spent most of the night avoiding hall creepers and noisy doors. When they exhausted their search, they went back to their dorms.

When the sun was just beginning to rise and force its way through the Tempestarii, Harry pushed back the curtain back to assess the damage.

"Ron wake up. Look outside."

Ron jumped up in time to notice Draco running from the woods, the Tempestarii hot on his heels. They got dressed and ran to the dining hall, meeting Hermione half way.

"This is an honour," said McGonagall. "You three are usually the last to show up in the morning." She eyed Hermione all the way to her seat at Gryffindor's table.

They sat quietly, waiting for the hall to fill with youth with stories of the worst storm on record at Hogwarts. Dumbledore stood up and gave a speech on how they would be rationing food for a while since supplies were unable to get through. They were isolated from the outside world, unable to send or receive owls. Draco shuffled in.

Ron watched him from the corner of his eye. Hermione was right.

"How are we going to follow him," he asked.

"We aren't," said Harry. "I will. Look, it only makes sense."

"What makes sense is that we all go," said Hermione. "What if you don't come back? No way, we are all going."

They looked at Ron. "Sure, all three of us. Why not die together? Sounds romantic."

That evening they kept watch on Draco. Harry sat by a window, squinting through the snowstorm, keeping vigil for that dark cape headed for the woods. Hermione and Ron traded places walking the corridors. They were coming back to find Harry when he ran into them.

"We have to go now, before his tracks are covered."

Harry was first to open the heavy wood doors. He looked around and made a run for it. Oddly, the winds did not pick up his escape, but the winds did not miss Ron and Hermione. Harry made it to the forest but his sidekicks were nearly blown away.

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