Chapter 6

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There were about twenty-five people clustered around the raised platform that dominated the room. Standing proudly on top of the platform was none other than King Gabriel himself. He was an imposing man, with his height and hard face. He had short graying hair, which was accompanied by a light beard. His face held no signs of laughter. Gwen bristled at the sight of him, the luxury he lived in every day made the tiny houses in the rest of the kingdom look pitiful.

Directly behind the King's shoulder stood Rowan, standing formally, eyes distant. It was strange seeing him playing the role of prince. The kindness in his brown eyes had vanished, and he stood in front of the people, his face a mask of coldness. Gwen shivered, feeling intimidated by the large presence of the King and Prince.

She joined the ranks of the other competitors silently, hoping they wouldn't notice the interruption. She received a few surprised glances and a few angry glares, but went mostly unnoticed. Jennings stepped away from her side, joining the other guards behind the king.

"...there will be a total of three tasks," the King was saying to the crowd. Gwen perked up, curious of any information involving the trials.

"After every task, five competitors will be cut, leaving us with the top ten that will become guards. By rank, the champions will choose their position out of castle guard, city guard or a village guard."

Gwen crossed her fingers on both hands, a habit she had picked up from her mother for when she got excited but wasn't able to voice it.

"Finally, once the guards have been chosen, there will be an opportunity for any of the chosen, or any current guards, to fill the two open spots on my elite guard. More information on this will be given when the time comes," the King finished explaining, turning to a distinguished looking guard and nodding.

Three guards followed the King out of the room. Prince Rowan and other two remained.

"Please follow me to the training room where the first task will be assigned," the guard said in an authoritative voice. The crowd drifted out of the room, Gwen trailing at the rear.

The sound of hurried footsteps filled Gwen's ears and she spun around, finding herself staring into the chest of Prince Rowan. She gasped and took a quick step back, struggling to remain formal around the Prince.

"Sorry, Prince Rowan, I-" she broke off looking up into his eyes.

They were still angry, none of the warmness from the library remained. Gwen lowered her face, looking away from the angry prince.

"Thank you for the clothes," she said softly, walking quickly after the other trial takers.

She was pulled to a stop by a firm hand on her shoulder. Gwen froze, her heart leaping out of her chest.

Rowan smirked down at her, noticing her jumpiness.

"Apology accepted," he whispered, leading her down the halls until they had caught back up with the rest of the group.

"Rowan?" she asked timidly, bracing herself to ask about Xander. She knew full well that if it was found out that she had helped the criminal she could be arrested too, but she found herself trusting the Prince. He looked back at her, eyebrows raised.

"Do you know anything about a stolen wyvern?" she asked, biting her lip.

Rowan's eyes grew wide and he whirled towards her, anger flashing across his features.

"What do you know about that?" he growled urgently, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him.

Gwen gasped, not expecting such an angry reaction from him. She fumbled for an excuse, her mouth dry.

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