Chapter 7

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Rowan's eyes, fierce and protective, bore into the surprised faces of Gwen's assailants. They immediately backed away from her, arms dropping from her shoulder. The groveling began shortly after.

"Your Highness," the large man stuttered. "W-we didn't realize-"

"Didn't realize what?" Rowan barked back, jaw tense. "That I would be paying attention? That you wouldn't get away with it? That someone cares?" he asked, voice dangerously low.

The men had started to back away from the angry prince, wariness evident in their posture.

"We're sorry," the second man muttered. "It won't happen again."

"You're damn right it won't happen again!" Rowan exploded. "If I so much as catch you looking at her the wrong way I'll-"

"Rowan!" Gwen cried out, catching the wildness in his eyes. "I'm fine! Let them go." Gwen was so caught up in the action she almost missed the surprised look passed between the two men at her use of the Prince's first name.

Her fists were clenched tensely. As much as she appreciated the rescue, she was used to fighting her own battles. Letting someone else fight for her went against every instinct she had.

The anger drained out of Rowan's body at her voice. He turned his back on the men, who took it as a dismissal and hurried away. He closed the gap between them, hands going up to her face. He examined her quickly, holding her in place as he did so.

Gwen shoved his hands off of her and stepped away from him, her sudden shortness of breath surprising her. The spot on her face where he had held her felt like it was burning. Gwen felt her cheeks turning red.

"I said I'm fine!" she snapped, more harshly than she had intended. "You aren't my brother," she muttered, pain racing through her heart at the thought.

Rowan stepped back, surprised at her reaction.

"I was just trying to help," he said uncertainly.

"Yeah well you helped alright. You basically told them I'm a little girl who can't stand up for herself." Gwen glared, anger overcoming her at the hurt expression on his face. Who did he think he was, swooping in to save her every time something went a little wrong?

"I can take care of myself!" Gwen yelled, her voice rising into hysterics.

Rowan started to back away, not meeting her eyes.

"I'll stay out of it next time," he said softly, vanishing into the crowd.

Gwen let out a shaky breath, guilt starting to creep it's way into her mind. No, you were right to put him in his place, she thought, trying her best to ignore the pit in her stomach.

The way she kept reacting to Rowan's presence had caught Gwen off guard. She had never had issues keeping her emotions in check around anyone else. Rowan just seemed to bring out powerful reactions in her.

Gwen shook off her thoughts, refocusing on the competition. The beginning competitors had started to take their second shots, which meant she would be called up soon. She knew she had to make two perfect shots in order to make up for her missed one.

"Gwen Caldwell!" the guard who seemed to be in charge called over the noise.

She made her way up to the front, pushing through the thick crowd. Gwen was determined; she would not let her emotions get the better of her this time.

When Gwen reached the mat, she picked up the bow, weighing it in her hands carefully. She took two deep breaths, calming her racing heart and tuned out the chattering behind her.

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