Chinese Baby Man Meets the Alpha With a Soft Side.

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Setting the Stage:
Wolf is waiting by the hovercraft for Scarlet to come back, when he is approached by Frank. This happens while Scarlet is talking to Reyna.

(Wolf is fidgeting while he's waiting by Scarlet's hovercraft for her to come out of the Rieux Tavern. Frank is standing next to him)

Frank: ...

Wolf: ...

Me: Yo! Guys, talk to each other. Please! It's getting awkward!

Frank: So, hey.

Wolf: ...

Me: You too, Wolf.

Wolf: Hi.

(I slowly back away into the darkness)

Frank: Hey.

Wolf: That lady scares the crapola out of me.

Frank: Same.

(I smirk, hidden by the shadows)

Frank: Is something wrong? You won't stop moving.

Wolf: No, I have a lot of excess energy.

Frank: Oh.

Wolf: What brings you here?

Frank: My girlfriend, Hazel, is shopping, and I refused to go with her. What are you doing here?

Wolf: My girlfriend, Scarlet, is dropping off deliveries at the Rieux Tavern.

Frank: What kind if deliveries?

Wolf: Vegtables.

Frank: Oh, you're a farmer?

Wolf: Yeah, why?

Frank: Nothing. You just don't strike me as the kind if person who would want to run a farm.

Wolf: Well, actually Scarlet runs the farm, and I help. That's okay with me, though. I love the tomatoes.

Frank: What do you eat with the tomatoes?

Wolf: Um, nothing,

Frank: How do you cut them?

Wolf: We don't.

Frank: Well then how do eat them?

Wolf: Like an apple. What's wrong with that?

Frank: Isn't it messy?

Wolf: Yeah.

Frank: Then why do you eat it like that?

Wolf: Because it's how you're supposed to eat a tomato!

Frank: No, it's not!

(Scarlet walls out of the Rieux Tavern and freezes when she sees and hears Wolf and Frank arguing)

Scarlet: Wolf have you made a new friend?

Wolf: No he's annoying me, Scarlet,

Frank: So you're Scarlet?

Scarlet: Yeah,

Frank: Like the hair?

Scarlet: Naw. How witty of you. (Looks at Frank with a sarcastic face)

Wolf: Scarlet please tell this, um, Chinese-Baby-Man how to correctly eat a tomato.

Frank: Oh no, it Arion in disguise! Someone please help me! (Runs away into the distance screaming)

Scarlet: Well that was wierd.

Wolf: Yeah.

Author's Note:
Hello my lovelies! (*cackles like an evil witch*)

Okay I'm done being wierd.


Okay, so thanks again for reading this chapter! Now let's get to the point.

I fell into my laundry basket today! My phone was almost dead, and the charger was on the floor beside my bed. I collect mattresses so my bed is really high, and when I leaned over to pick up my charger I accidentally slid off and into my laundry basket, which is right beside my bed. I was stuck head first in my laundry basket, and I was laughing so hard at the stupidity if if all that I couldn't get out. I called for my mom, but she was in the shower so I had to wait, like, five minutes until she came and rescued me. Then I collapsed onto the floor laughing that way when your face looks like it's dying and you sound like a retarded dolphin.

So yeah, that was my day.

Random Question of the Chapter:
What is your favorite music artist if all time?

Halestorm, Linkin Park, or Green Day. It depends on how I'm feeling on that particular day.

Have a wonderful day, and may the mockingjay of happiness soar above.

The Lunar Chronicles and Heroes of Olympus InteractionsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora